Sovos Brands, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Sovos Brands, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Sovos Brands, Inc. (Nasdaq: SOVO) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Sovos Brands, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Sovos Brands, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SOVO
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SOVO11:16:26 PM, 02/14/2024
Hermida Yuri(CHIEF GROWTH OFFICER) sold 5979 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$133092
SOVO11:15:04 PM, 02/14/2024
Jensen Kirk A.(CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER) sold 2785 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$61994
SOVO11:13:54 PM, 02/14/2024
Cretella Risa(CHIEF SALES OFFICER) sold 3363 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$74860
SOVO11:12:26 PM, 02/14/2024
LACHMAN TODD R(CEO) sold 13255 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$295056
SOVO11:10:47 PM, 02/14/2024
O'Driscoll Lisa Y.(CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) sold 1397 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$31097
SOVO11:09:13 PM, 02/14/2024
Gvazdinskas Katie(CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER) sold 1624 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$36150
SOVO11:59:33 PM, 01/18/2024
O'Driscoll Lisa Y.(CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) sold 1276 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$28186
SOVO11:58:03 PM, 01/18/2024
Jensen Kirk A.(CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER) sold 12802 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$282796
SOVO11:56:48 PM, 01/18/2024
Cretella Risa(CHIEF SALES OFFICER) sold 7627 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$168480
SOVO11:55:27 PM, 01/18/2024
Gvazdinskas Katie(CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER) sold 1607 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$35498
SOVO11:54:14 PM, 01/18/2024
Jones Isobel A(CLO, GC AND SECRETARY) sold 7522 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$166160
SOVO11:53:14 PM, 01/18/2024
Hall Christopher W.(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 3843 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$84891
SOVO11:52:06 PM, 01/18/2024
LACHMAN TODD R(CEO) sold 9478 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$209369
SOVO10:51:20 PM, 12/07/2023
Hall Christopher W.(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 67284 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$1477556
SOVO11:42:48 PM, 12/05/2023
Hermida Yuri(CHIEF GROWTH OFFICER) sold 40837 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$884121
SOVO08:15:36 PM, 09/12/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 6250 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$140812
SOVO09:00:08 PM, 08/30/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 56250 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$1267425
SOVO08:15:13 PM, 08/15/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 112500 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$2537437
SOVO01:13:37 AM, 07/18/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 56250 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$1040625
SOVO09:00:11 PM, 07/06/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 56250 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$1103625
SOVO08:15:07 PM, 06/21/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 56250 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$1044112
SOVO09:15:06 PM, 06/14/2023
LACHMAN TODD R(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 56250 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$1027687
SOVO01:40:54 AM, 05/25/2023
Jensen Kirk A.(CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER) sold 41657 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$742426
SOVO01:39:37 AM, 05/25/2023
Gvazdinskas Katie(CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER) sold 5903 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$103066
SOVO01:38:23 AM, 05/25/2023
O'Driscoll Lisa Y.(CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER) sold 38123 shares of Sovos Brands, Inc. (SOVO) for ~$664102

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