SONO TEK CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at SONO TEK CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for SONO TEK CORP (Nasdaq: SOTK) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by SONO TEK CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for SONO TEK CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SOTK
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SOTK08:26:07 PM, 08/27/2024
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 3012 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$12339
SOTK08:29:43 PM, 08/22/2024
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 276 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$1117
SOTK08:36:57 PM, 08/12/2024
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 4000 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$14480
SOTK08:39:31 PM, 08/08/2024
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 774 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$2853
SOTK08:35:35 PM, 07/29/2024
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 1704 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$6507
SOTK08:34:22 PM, 07/24/2024
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 2120 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$8564
SOTK09:15:29 PM, 02/27/2024
COCCIO CHRISTOPHER L sold 2914 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$16230
SOTK10:09:23 PM, 02/22/2024
COCCIO CHRISTOPHER L sold 7086 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$39964
SOTK09:25:30 PM, 02/08/2024
RIEMER JOSEPH sold 5335 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$30409
SOTK09:39:22 PM, 02/01/2024
Engle Robb William(VP) sold 6773 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$38576
SOTK09:28:54 PM, 01/30/2024
Engle Robb William(VP) sold 2724 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$15744
SOTK09:21:46 PM, 01/26/2024
RIEMER JOSEPH sold 6509 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$36851
SOTK09:36:51 PM, 01/24/2024
Engle Robb William(VP) sold 2876 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$16594
SOTK09:29:58 PM, 01/24/2024
RIEMER JOSEPH sold 4177 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$24352
SOTK09:58:00 PM, 01/23/2024
Engle Robb William(VP) sold 15351 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$89227
SOTK09:04:32 PM, 11/30/2023
COCCIO CHRISTOPHER L(CEO) sold 4298 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$21553
SOTK09:55:31 PM, 11/27/2023
COCCIO CHRISTOPHER L(CEO) sold 3769 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$18912
SOTK07:04:19 PM, 11/22/2023
COCCIO CHRISTOPHER L(CEO) sold 1828 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$9157
SOTK08:32:30 PM, 10/30/2023
Strasburg Philip A sold 2000 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$10030
SOTK10:31:43 PM, 10/18/2023
RIEMER JOSEPH sold 2923 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$15374
SOTK09:17:21 PM, 03/03/2023
Strasburg Philip A sold 1000 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$5610
SOTK01:57:40 PM, 03/02/2023
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 150 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$823
SOTK10:03:11 PM, 02/27/2023
Bagley Stephen James(CFO) sold 2064 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$11202
SOTK09:41:37 PM, 02/22/2023
COCCIO CHRISTOPHER L(CEO) sold 816 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$4775
SOTK02:09:38 PM, 02/21/2023
Strasburg Philip A sold 500 shares of SONO TEK CORP (SOTK) for ~$2950

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