PIXELWORKS, INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at PIXELWORKS, INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for PIXELWORKS, INC (Nasdaq: PXLW) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by PIXELWORKS, INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for PIXELWORKS, INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PXLW
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PXLW09:25:22 PM, 11/22/2024
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 10200 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$7548
PXLW09:23:52 PM, 11/22/2024
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 41884 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$30994
PXLW11:04:15 PM, 08/21/2024
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5269 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$4057
PXLW11:03:19 PM, 08/21/2024
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 24039 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$18510
PXLW10:08:53 PM, 05/21/2024
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5443 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$6259
PXLW10:06:58 PM, 05/21/2024
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 24842 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$28568
PXLW12:03:11 AM, 02/17/2024
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 30489 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$79181
PXLW12:01:12 AM, 02/17/2024
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 56412 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$144413
PXLW09:48:09 PM, 11/21/2023
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 6744 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$8025
PXLW08:11:09 PM, 08/21/2023
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 16441 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$21373
PXLW08:03:31 PM, 08/21/2023
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2215 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$2879
PXLW08:27:42 PM, 05/19/2023
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1018 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$1618
PXLW08:24:08 PM, 05/19/2023
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 15259 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$24261
PXLW09:52:05 PM, 05/15/2023
HENEGHAN DANIEL purchased 10000 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$15300
PXLW10:00:29 PM, 03/15/2023
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1675 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$2345
PXLW09:04:12 PM, 02/17/2023
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 67660 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$117051
PXLW09:02:54 PM, 02/17/2023
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 16381 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$28339
PXLW09:15:52 PM, 11/21/2022
DEBONIS TODD(President and CEO) sold 23864 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$36511
PXLW09:11:25 PM, 11/21/2022
Aman Haley F(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1095 shares of PIXELWORKS, INC (PXLW) for ~$1675

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