Intuitive Machines, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Intuitive Machines, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Intuitive Machines, Inc. (Nasdaq: LUNR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Intuitive Machines, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Intuitive Machines, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LUNR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LUNR09:30:13 PM, 12/27/2024
Vontur Steven(See Remarks) sold 946 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$17028
LUNR09:30:16 PM, 12/19/2024
Vontur Steven(See Remarks) sold 946 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$12298
LUNR09:30:23 PM, 12/18/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 377973 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$4566950
LUNR09:30:11 PM, 12/09/2024
Crain Timothy Price II(SVP and Chief Growth Officer) sold 152857 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$1513284
LUNR01:30:05 AM, 12/05/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 377973 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$5682800
LUNR10:00:04 PM, 11/20/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 1637883 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$19490807
LUNR12:13:00 AM, 11/15/2024
Altemus Stephen J(Chief Executive Officer) sold 138568 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$1538104
LUNR12:10:30 AM, 11/15/2024
Crain Timothy Price II(SVP and Chief Growth Officer) sold 400000 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$4840000
LUNR10:30:03 PM, 11/13/2024
Altemus Stephen J(Chief Executive Officer) sold 61432 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$675752
LUNR10:15:41 PM, 11/08/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 74248 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$596211
LUNR01:56:08 AM, 11/07/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 177734 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$1409430
LUNR09:00:03 PM, 10/23/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 344893 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$2766041
LUNR09:30:04 PM, 10/09/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 159071 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$1200753
LUNR08:30:05 PM, 09/25/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 1007928 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$8375881
LUNR11:29:27 PM, 09/20/2024
BLITZER MICHAEL sold 912673 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$7662584
LUNR08:20:12 PM, 09/20/2024
Crain Timothy Price II(SVP and Chief Growth Officer) sold 300000 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$2469000
LUNR08:19:49 PM, 09/20/2024
Altemus Stephen J(Chief Executive Officer) sold 550000 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$4724500
LUNR01:01:00 AM, 09/17/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 606456 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$3684392
LUNR11:21:41 PM, 09/16/2024
Crain Timothy Price II(SVP and Chief Growth Officer) sold 197637 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$1195703
LUNR11:18:41 PM, 09/16/2024
Altemus Stephen J(Chief Executive Officer) sold 746744 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$4493672
LUNR08:30:04 PM, 09/12/2024
Vontur Steven(Interim CFO & Corp. Controller) sold 10274 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$57328
LUNR11:42:34 PM, 09/04/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 1200 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$7200
LUNR11:17:36 PM, 09/04/2024
Altemus Stephen J(Chief Executive Officer) sold 214 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$1284
LUNR11:03:08 PM, 09/04/2024
Crain Timothy Price II(SVP and Chief Growth Officer) sold 418 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$2508
LUNR08:30:11 PM, 08/22/2024
Ghaffarian Kamal Seyed sold 148290 shares of Intuitive Machines, Inc. (LUNR) for ~$894188

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