Baker Hughes Co insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Baker Hughes Co

Welcome to our dedicated page for Baker Hughes Co (Nasdaq: BKR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Baker Hughes Co's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Baker Hughes Co, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for BKR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
BKR09:43:24 PM, 11/07/2024
Buese Nancy(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$406900
BKR02:03:06 AM, 11/05/2024
Buese Nancy(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 5000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$190100
BKR08:48:06 PM, 10/28/2024
Buese Nancy(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$371010
BKR08:30:05 PM, 08/12/2024
Simonelli Lorenzo(Chairman, President and CEO) sold 114286 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$4000010
BKR10:56:05 PM, 08/05/2024
Simonelli Lorenzo(Chairman, President and CEO) sold 114286 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$4405725
BKR08:20:45 PM, 05/29/2024
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 55980 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$1791360
BKR09:27:06 PM, 04/09/2024
Apostolides James E(SVP, Enterprise Op Excellence) sold 5000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$169400
BKR11:16:23 PM, 03/07/2024
Apostolides James E(SVP, Enterprise Op Excellence) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$294400
BKR09:19:16 PM, 12/19/2023
Beattie William G purchased 4000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$89360
BKR09:18:27 PM, 12/06/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$335300
BKR08:26:33 PM, 11/03/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$344900
BKR08:20:21 PM, 10/04/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$352000
BKR08:10:42 PM, 09/05/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$365600
BKR08:17:18 PM, 08/25/2023
Jones Regina(Chief Legal Officer) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$351900
BKR08:14:22 PM, 08/10/2023
Simonelli Lorenzo(Chairman, President and CEO) sold 122500 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$4263000
BKR08:27:46 PM, 08/03/2023
Simonelli Lorenzo(Chairman, President and CEO) sold 122500 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$4347525
BKR08:25:07 PM, 08/03/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$354900
BKR08:11:49 PM, 07/26/2023
Jones Regina(Chief Legal Officer) sold 10000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$356000
BKR09:25:32 PM, 06/16/2023
Apostolides James E(SVP, Enterprise Op Excellence) sold 3195 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$95626
BKR08:15:23 PM, 05/04/2023
Camilleri Kurt(SVP/Controller/Chief Acctg Off) sold 12293 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$350719
BKR10:37:49 PM, 02/01/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 9811 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$303454
BKR10:20:01 PM, 01/04/2023
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 9811 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$284519
BKR10:08:43 PM, 12/02/2022
BORRAS MARIA C(EVP, Oilfield Services & Equip) sold 63811 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$1873395
BKR11:15:39 PM, 11/14/2022
Qasem Rami(EVP, Digital Solutions) sold 72000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$2247120
BKR11:04:16 PM, 11/14/2022
BRENNEMAN GREGORY D sold 85000 shares of Baker Hughes Co (BKR) for ~$2654550

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