Bakkt Holdings, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Bakkt Holdings, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: BKKT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Bakkt Holdings, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Bakkt Holdings, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for BKKT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
BKKT01:11:04 AM, 04/30/2024
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. purchased 350880 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$305265
BKKT10:43:45 PM, 04/24/2024
D'Annunzio Marc(General Counsel & Secretary) sold 20504 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$8201
BKKT10:34:43 PM, 03/04/2024
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. purchased 2762009 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$2402947
BKKT02:28:12 AM, 02/27/2024
D'Annunzio Marc(General Counsel & Secretary) sold 50247 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$44217
BKKT02:13:49 AM, 02/10/2024
D'Annunzio Marc(General Counsel & Secretary) sold 19329 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$18942
BKKT12:19:35 AM, 01/30/2024
D'Annunzio Marc(General Counsel & Secretary) sold 42807 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$54364
BKKT11:30:39 PM, 12/29/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 393125 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$1006400
BKKT11:39:02 PM, 12/28/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 360544 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$832856
BKKT10:38:58 PM, 12/27/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 753001 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$1694252
BKKT11:54:19 PM, 12/20/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 237711 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$477799
BKKT12:18:17 AM, 12/20/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 144484 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$290412
BKKT02:10:17 AM, 12/12/2023
Collins Sean Roberts sold 575806 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$1039416
BKKT09:11:15 PM, 12/07/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 18763 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$38464
BKKT09:05:07 PM, 12/06/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 40283 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$82580
BKKT01:49:57 AM, 12/06/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 276898 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$567640
BKKT12:38:19 AM, 12/05/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 182819 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$383919
BKKT08:00:07 PM, 07/20/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 600 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$1110
BKKT08:24:03 PM, 07/17/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 40585 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$75893
BKKT09:42:20 PM, 07/14/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 400000 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$827999
BKKT08:01:14 PM, 07/14/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 400000 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$660000
BKKT08:32:12 PM, 07/12/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 400000 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$628000
BKKT08:05:06 PM, 07/11/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 200000 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$316000
BKKT08:05:15 PM, 05/19/2023
VPC Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor, LLC sold 54914 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$77428
BKKT10:31:38 PM, 05/02/2023
D'Annunzio Marc(General Counsel & Secretary) sold 50237 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$68824
BKKT01:23:21 AM, 05/02/2023
D'Annunzio Marc(General Counsel & Secretary) sold 50237 shares of Bakkt Holdings, Inc. (BKKT) for ~$68824

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