ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (NYSE: AAP) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for AAP
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
AAP09:11:25 PM, 12/06/2024
Finley Tammy M(EVP, General Counsel, Corp Sec) sold 1276 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$56220
AAP09:06:11 PM, 11/29/2024
Soler Kristen L(EVP, Chief HR Officer) purchased 925 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$39886
AAP09:09:03 PM, 11/26/2024
Soler Kristen L(EVP, Chief HR Officer) purchased 130 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$5622
AAP09:34:23 PM, 11/19/2024
Seboldt Thomas W purchased 2650 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$102078
AAP08:33:05 PM, 10/29/2024
Jones Jeffrey J II purchased 69 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$2535
AAP08:48:56 PM, 06/04/2024
Soler Kristen L(EVP, Chief HR Officer) purchased 450 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$30150
AAP08:20:16 PM, 03/28/2024
Windom Brent purchased 4700 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$401098
AAP08:29:15 PM, 03/22/2024
Word Herman L Jr(EVP, U.S. Stores & CQ Ind.) sold 1858 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$159936
AAP08:26:53 PM, 03/22/2024
Windom Brent purchased 2617 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$217211
AAP08:28:56 PM, 03/19/2024
Windom Brent purchased 2683 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$216169
AAP08:46:55 PM, 03/18/2024
Bailo Carla Jean purchased 310 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$25168
AAP09:06:11 PM, 12/13/2023
Soler Kristen L(EVP, Chief HR Officer) purchased 500 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$27800
AAP09:41:17 PM, 12/06/2023
Soler Kristen L(EVP, Chief HR Officer) purchased 1000 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$52870
AAP10:26:14 PM, 09/14/2023
LEE EUGENE I JR purchased 8670 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$499825
AAP08:39:19 PM, 06/13/2023
Hilson Joan M purchased 388 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$24932
AAP08:37:59 PM, 06/13/2023
Pertz Douglas A purchased 6145 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$402128
AAP08:28:24 PM, 06/09/2023
Bailo Carla Jean purchased 500 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$32950
AAP08:26:53 PM, 06/09/2023
Ferraro John Francis purchased 1525 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$99979
AAP08:25:29 PM, 06/09/2023
LEE EUGENE I JR purchased 7635 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$500168
AAP08:24:07 PM, 06/09/2023
Jones Jeffrey J II purchased 1525 shares of ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP) for ~$100558

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