VERINT SYSTEMS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at VERINT SYSTEMS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for VERINT SYSTEMS INC (Nasdaq: VRNT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by VERINT SYSTEMS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for VERINT SYSTEMS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for VRNT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
VRNT10:16:27 PM, 12/19/2024
Highlander Grant A(Chief Financial Officer) sold 12880 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$376740
VRNT11:20:57 PM, 09/17/2024
MORIAH ELAN(President) sold 7160 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$185086
VRNT11:19:00 PM, 09/17/2024
Highlander Grant A(Chief Financial Officer) sold 3389 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$87605
VRNT11:17:20 PM, 09/17/2024
FANTE PETER(Chief Administrative Officer) sold 6330 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$163630
VRNT11:15:21 PM, 09/17/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 16932 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$437692
VRNT08:30:31 PM, 06/24/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 375000 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$12660000
VRNT09:20:42 PM, 06/20/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 14277 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$500266
VRNT09:14:25 PM, 06/20/2024
MORIAH ELAN(President) sold 4954 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$173587
VRNT09:12:50 PM, 06/20/2024
Highlander Grant A(Chief Financial Officer) sold 1085 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$38018
VRNT09:09:55 PM, 06/20/2024
FANTE PETER(Chief Administrative Officer) sold 1311 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$45937
VRNT09:09:36 PM, 06/17/2024
FANTE PETER(Chief Administrative Officer) sold 4417 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$161662
VRNT08:26:04 PM, 06/12/2024
MORIAH ELAN(President) sold 1553 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$56078
VRNT08:24:34 PM, 06/12/2024
Highlander Grant A(Chief Financial Officer) sold 669 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$24157
VRNT08:23:13 PM, 06/12/2024
FANTE PETER(Chief Administrative Officer) sold 1087 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$39251
VRNT08:21:59 PM, 06/12/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 6096 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$220126
VRNT08:37:19 PM, 06/10/2024
KURTZ WILLIAM sold 2110 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$77101
VRNT01:01:51 AM, 04/24/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 35039 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$1051170
VRNT09:34:35 PM, 04/16/2024
Highlander Grant A(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2062 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$62045
VRNT08:49:21 PM, 04/16/2024
MORIAH ELAN(President) sold 9880 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$297288
VRNT08:23:53 PM, 04/16/2024
FANTE PETER(Chief Administrative Officer) sold 6244 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$187881
VRNT08:21:38 PM, 04/16/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 44335 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$1334039
VRNT08:35:04 PM, 04/15/2024
Nottenburg Richard N sold 5274 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$164390
VRNT08:27:32 PM, 04/04/2024
FANTE PETER(Chief Administrative Officer) sold 8329 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$261364
VRNT10:41:37 PM, 04/02/2024
MORIAH ELAN(President) sold 14353 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$468256
VRNT10:10:53 PM, 03/21/2024
BODNER DAN(Chairman & CEO) sold 33472 shares of VERINT SYSTEMS INC (VRNT) for ~$1047338

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