UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (Nasdaq: UFPT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for UFPT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
UFPT11:06:02 PM, 11/14/2024
Holt Jason(Vice President) sold 146 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$50032
UFPT07:52:22 PM, 11/14/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 15021 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$5202299
UFPT10:24:47 PM, 11/12/2024
Hudson Symeria sold 2293 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$781517
UFPT10:22:17 PM, 11/12/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 25416 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$8854986
UFPT09:12:59 PM, 11/08/2024
FELDMANN CYNTHIA L sold 647 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$227938
UFPT06:40:44 PM, 08/26/2024
LATAILLE RONALD J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2392 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$787064
UFPT10:19:37 PM, 08/23/2024
LATAILLE RONALD J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 4798 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$1585435
UFPT08:28:50 PM, 08/21/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 4991 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$1637197
UFPT09:56:26 PM, 08/20/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 15910 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$5198563
UFPT07:23:26 PM, 08/16/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 44813 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$14199722
UFPT09:59:44 PM, 08/14/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 5567 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$1727100
UFPT09:59:44 PM, 08/14/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 5567 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$1727100
UFPT09:22:19 PM, 08/12/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 14433 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$4480533
UFPT10:20:58 PM, 08/06/2024
LATAILLE RONALD J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 13064 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$3969122
UFPT09:44:26 PM, 03/15/2024
Cardin Steve(Vice President) sold 915 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$180703
UFPT11:13:42 PM, 02/27/2024
BAILLY R JEFFREY(CEO) sold 27090 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$5674679
UFPT10:18:25 PM, 02/27/2024
FELDMANN CYNTHIA L sold 1724 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$358192
UFPT10:15:00 PM, 02/27/2024
Litterio Christopher P.(Senior Vice President) sold 2000 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$417305
UFPT11:49:58 PM, 12/18/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 17289 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$3089348
UFPT11:19:38 PM, 12/15/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 20249 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$3660655
UFPT09:58:59 PM, 12/04/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 7496 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$1293333
UFPT05:24:12 PM, 11/30/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 1 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$173
UFPT08:08:08 PM, 11/29/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 45 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$7785
UFPT09:02:18 PM, 11/27/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 18084 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$3139164
UFPT02:26:54 AM, 11/25/2023
BAILLY R JEFFREY(President and CEO) sold 1300 shares of UFP TECHNOLOGIES INC (UFPT) for ~$227708

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