TPG Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at TPG Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for TPG Inc. (Nasdaq: TPG) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by TPG Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for TPG Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for TPG
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
TPG09:37:49 PM, 07/17/2024
MESSEMER DEBORAH M. sold 4089 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$190342
TPG10:14:22 PM, 03/01/2024
MESSEMER DEBORAH M. sold 6390 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$280968
TPG12:23:41 AM, 03/01/2024
Vazquez-Ubarri Anilu(Chief Operating Officer) sold 101937 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$4244656
TPG12:01:19 AM, 03/01/2024
WINKELRIED JON(Chief Executive Officer) sold 1050848 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$43757310
TPG11:57:12 PM, 02/29/2024
Weingart Jack(Chief Financial Officer) sold 308468 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$12844607
TPG11:45:30 PM, 02/29/2024
Trujillo David sold 397510 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$16552316
TPG11:43:10 PM, 02/29/2024
Sisitsky Todd Benjamin(President) sold 712958 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$29687570
TPG11:41:03 PM, 02/29/2024
Sarvananthan Ganendran sold 172705 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$7191436
TPG11:38:53 PM, 02/29/2024
Rhodes Jeffrey K. sold 408675 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$17017227
TPG11:36:27 PM, 02/29/2024
Raj Nehal sold 250858 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$10445727
TPG11:33:07 PM, 02/29/2024
Harris Joann(Chief Compliance Officer) sold 25484 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$1061152
TPG11:29:04 PM, 02/29/2024
Davis Kelvin L. sold 822017 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$34228787
TPG11:26:58 PM, 02/29/2024
Davidson Martin(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 39317 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$1637159
TPG11:24:13 PM, 02/29/2024
COULTER JAMES G(Executive Chairman) sold 1351695 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$56284578
TPG11:22:33 PM, 02/29/2024
COSLET JONATHAN J sold 1000000 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$41640000
TPG11:20:02 PM, 02/29/2024
Chorengel Maya sold 74773 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$3113547
TPG11:18:00 PM, 02/29/2024
BONDERMAN DAVID sold 1601695 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$66694578
TPG11:15:46 PM, 02/29/2024
Berenson Bradford(General Counsel) sold 90895 shares of TPG Inc. (TPG) for ~$3784867

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