TIMKEN CO insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at TIMKEN CO

Welcome to our dedicated page for TIMKEN CO (NYSE: TKR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by TIMKEN CO's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for TIMKEN CO, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for TKR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
TKR09:23:24 PM, 11/14/2024
Kyle Richard G sold 32764 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2459921
TKR09:31:22 PM, 11/12/2024
Kyle Richard G sold 30000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2297748
TKR08:34:39 PM, 08/19/2024
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 20000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1668000
TKR08:31:08 PM, 08/15/2024
Fracassa Philip D.(EVP & CFO) sold 10000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$819800
TKR08:15:50 PM, 08/12/2024
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 30000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2413800
TKR09:37:09 PM, 08/06/2024
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 30000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2422800
TKR12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 30000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2771250
TKR08:33:08 PM, 05/07/2024
Fracassa Philip D.(EVP & CFO) sold 10000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$897600
TKR09:49:25 PM, 05/06/2024
Coughlin Christopher A(EVP & Pres. Industrial Motion) sold 49006 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$4367435
TKR09:47:27 PM, 05/06/2024
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 50000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$4470300
TKR08:43:41 PM, 08/28/2023
Coughlin Christopher A(EVP & Pres. Industrial Motion) sold 10000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$750500
TKR08:10:06 PM, 08/25/2023
Patel Hansal N.(VP, GC, and Secretary) sold 789 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$59293
TKR08:08:58 PM, 08/25/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 20000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1509199
TKR08:07:57 PM, 08/25/2023
Fracassa Philip D.(EVP & CFO) sold 5000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$377250
TKR08:42:56 PM, 08/24/2023
Coughlin Christopher A(EVP & Pres. Industrial Motion) sold 10000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$753100
TKR08:36:34 PM, 08/18/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 24000 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1844070
TKR09:35:58 PM, 08/15/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 32379 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2476993
TKR09:07:21 PM, 08/08/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 31933 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2556636
TKR08:12:11 PM, 05/25/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 24432 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1823641
TKR09:31:35 PM, 05/17/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 23232 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1713824
TKR09:48:41 PM, 05/11/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 24851 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1832512
TKR09:26:31 PM, 02/28/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 24841 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2135580
TKR09:35:40 PM, 02/23/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 23859 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2039944
TKR09:18:12 PM, 02/21/2023
Fracassa Philip D.(EVP & CFO) sold 19451 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$1668312
TKR09:26:55 PM, 02/16/2023
Kyle Richard G(President and CEO) sold 23850 shares of TIMKEN CO (TKR) for ~$2043945

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