TEREX CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at TEREX CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for TEREX CORP (NYSE: TEX) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by TEREX CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for TEREX CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for TEX
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
TEX02:11:39 PM, 12/17/2024
SACHS DAVID A purchased 20000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$995000
TEX08:41:06 PM, 12/13/2024
MEESTER SIMON(President and CEO) sold 9877 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$505109
TEX08:38:38 PM, 12/13/2024
SACHS DAVID A purchased 20000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$1014600
TEX07:29:38 PM, 11/08/2024
Hegarty Kieran(President, Materials Processin) sold 18000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$1051740
TEX07:29:27 PM, 11/08/2024
SACHS DAVID A purchased 10000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$569800
TEX09:09:37 PM, 08/05/2024
RUSH ANDRA purchased 2205 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$119863
TEX06:31:13 PM, 05/28/2024
POSNER SCOTT(Senior V.P., Gen Counsel Sec.) sold 12500 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$756000
TEX06:50:51 PM, 05/22/2024
JOHNSTON STEPHEN(VP CAO and Controller) sold 3239 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$200818
TEX08:20:50 PM, 05/16/2024
GEORGE AMY(Senior V.P. Human Resources) sold 12000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$756480
TEX01:39:07 PM, 05/07/2024
Hegarty Kieran(President, Materials Processin) sold 17190 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$1001489
TEX05:46:55 PM, 03/29/2024
GARRISON JOHN L JR sold 50000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$3214000
TEX05:57:46 PM, 03/22/2024
GARRISON JOHN L JR sold 75000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$4531812
TEX07:55:39 PM, 03/21/2024
Gross Joshua(President - Genie) sold 4945 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$292397
TEX02:49:02 PM, 03/08/2024
Hegarty Kieran(President, Materials Processin) sold 18000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$1022400
TEX06:52:27 PM, 12/21/2023
GARRISON JOHN L JR(CHAIRMAN AND CEO) sold 45000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$2655000
TEX09:18:04 PM, 12/18/2023
GEORGE AMY(Senior V.P. Human Resources) sold 7000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$400890
TEX09:17:51 PM, 12/18/2023
JOHNSTON STEPHEN(VP CAO and Controller) sold 2661 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$152555
TEX09:42:52 PM, 12/13/2023
SACHS DAVID A purchased 50000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$2552250
TEX06:38:34 PM, 11/02/2023
SACHS DAVID A purchased 7500 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$337150
TEX06:32:37 PM, 11/02/2023
BECK JULIE A(Senior Vice President, CFO) purchased 1100 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$50149
TEX03:08:22 PM, 10/31/2023
RUSH ANDRA purchased 1130 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$50070
TEX07:39:48 PM, 06/30/2023
GARRISON JOHN L JR(CHAIRMAN AND CEO) sold 9966 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$597960
TEX04:39:11 PM, 06/09/2023
Hegarty Kieran(President, Materials Processin) sold 27000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$1507680
TEX02:48:12 PM, 05/05/2023
MEESTER SIMON(President - Genie) sold 6000 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$302640
TEX07:03:16 PM, 03/08/2023
GARRISON JOHN L JR(CHAIRMAN AND CEO) sold 8907 shares of TEREX CORP (TEX) for ~$534420

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