TE Connectivity Ltd. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at TE Connectivity Ltd.

Welcome to our dedicated page for TE Connectivity Ltd. (NYSE: TEL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by TE Connectivity Ltd.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for TE Connectivity Ltd., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for TEL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
TEL07:42:09 PM, 11/12/2024
CURTIN TERRENCE R(Chief Exec. Officer & Director) sold 115000 shares of TE Connectivity plc (TEL) for ~$17789559
TEL08:31:29 PM, 11/08/2024
Jenkins John S(EVP & General Counsel) sold 40800 shares of TE Connectivity plc (TEL) for ~$6343992
TEL04:59:08 PM, 11/07/2024
Ott Robert J(Sr VP & Corporate Controller) sold 16100 shares of TE Connectivity plc (TEL) for ~$2502101
TEL11:17:42 PM, 09/04/2024
Kroeger Shadrak W(Pres., Industrial Solutions) sold 8750 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$1324812
TEL07:57:27 PM, 08/14/2024
Jenkins John S(EVP & General Counsel) sold 6149 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$895048
TEL05:10:01 PM, 08/01/2024
MITTS HEATH A(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 59700 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$9235590
TEL08:07:55 PM, 07/31/2024
Ott Robert J(Sr VP & Corporate Controller) sold 2913 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$450320
TEL08:08:18 PM, 07/30/2024
CURTIN TERRENCE R(Chief Exec. Officer & Director) sold 218500 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$33965359
TEL09:14:54 PM, 07/11/2024
Stucki Aaron Kyle(Pres. Communications Solutions) sold 8750 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$1356250
TEL04:16:39 PM, 06/04/2024
Kroeger Shadrak W(Pres., Industrial Solutions) sold 5000 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$749300
TEL08:30:52 PM, 05/16/2024
Stucki Aaron Kyle(Pres. Communications Solutions) sold 5000 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$750000
TEL09:17:30 PM, 04/29/2024
Trudeau Mark sold 7044 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$996655
TEL09:15:28 PM, 03/04/2024
Kroeger Shadrak W(Pres., Industrial Solutions) sold 5000 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$713800
TEL09:11:59 PM, 01/30/2024
MERKT STEVEN T(President, Transportation Sol.) sold 99777 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$14367888
TEL09:23:59 PM, 12/19/2023
CURTIN TERRENCE R(Chief Exec. Officer & Director) sold 31545 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$4461093
TEL03:51:18 PM, 08/01/2023
CURTIN TERRENCE R(Chief Exec. Officer & Director) sold 70721 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$10114517
TEL08:23:34 PM, 05/09/2023
Jenkins John S(EVP & General Counsel) sold 25025 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$3061058
TEL08:17:20 PM, 05/02/2023
MITTS HEATH A(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 9418 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$1159569
TEL09:12:39 PM, 12/13/2022
CURTIN TERRENCE R(Chief Exec. Officer & Director) sold 31396 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$3827800
TEL09:08:17 PM, 11/21/2022
Jenkins John S(EVP & General Counsel) sold 2674 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$336522
TEL09:31:13 PM, 11/16/2022
Kroeger Shadrak W(Pres., Industrial Solutions) sold 42150 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$5321437
TEL09:05:45 PM, 11/09/2022
TALWALKAR ABHIJIT Y sold 1500 shares of TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL) for ~$175425

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