TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at TELLURIAN INC. /DE/

Welcome to our dedicated page for TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (NYSE: TELL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by TELLURIAN INC. /DE/'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for TELLURIAN INC. /DE/, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for TELL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
TELL10:00:09 PM, 07/26/2024
KESSLER DIANA DERYCZ sold 1000000 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$950000
TELL11:00:17 PM, 12/18/2023
GROSS JONATHAN S purchased 120000 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$80400
TELL09:05:30 PM, 11/09/2023
GROSS JONATHAN S purchased 100000 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$61000
TELL10:00:22 PM, 07/05/2023
GROSS JONATHAN S purchased 100000 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$138000
TELL10:58:41 PM, 04/06/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 382477 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$472159
TELL01:19:22 AM, 04/05/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 1034805 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$1273286
TELL09:15:16 PM, 03/31/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 723082 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$845621
TELL01:13:42 AM, 03/30/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 1014672 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$1109672
TELL10:40:14 PM, 03/24/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 1999807 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$2059060
TELL01:16:14 AM, 03/23/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 801642 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$929554
TELL01:04:15 AM, 03/10/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 1315903 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$1837047
TELL02:13:03 AM, 03/07/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 1113308 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$1696006
TELL01:36:09 AM, 03/02/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 1084041 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$1640049
TELL12:39:35 AM, 02/25/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 3151213 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$4947711
TELL12:18:11 AM, 02/22/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 2256029 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$3312511
TELL12:18:39 AM, 02/16/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 3927947 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$6354819
TELL10:14:32 PM, 02/13/2023
SOUKI CHARIF(Executive Chairman) sold 3116657 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$5627276
TELL12:42:57 AM, 02/10/2023
SOUKI CHARIF sold 1793194 shares of TELLURIAN INC. /DE/ (TELL) for ~$3442932

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