SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (Nasdaq: SNCR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SNCR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SNCR02:00:27 AM, 02/08/2025Harris Laurie sold 4809 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$31018Filing
SNCR12:14:47 AM, 09/14/2024Bernstein Martin Francis sold 14958 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$207395Filing
SNCR12:14:37 AM, 09/14/2024Ferraro Lou(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5768 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$78453Filing
SNCR10:03:33 PM, 09/12/2024Miller Jeffrey George(Chief Executive Officer) sold 12000 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$162000Filing
SNCR12:06:56 AM, 09/12/2024Bernstein Martin Francis sold 2319 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$32929Filing
SNCR09:24:11 PM, 09/06/2024Doran Patrick Joseph(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 3250 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$48002Filing
SNCR09:24:02 PM, 09/06/2024Gabrys Christina(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 4842 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$69095Filing
SNCR01:30:49 AM, 08/28/2024B. Riley Financial, Inc. sold 56022 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$718854Filing
SNCR01:30:46 AM, 08/23/2024B. Riley Financial, Inc. sold 12210 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$156456Filing
SNCR01:30:44 AM, 08/20/2024B. Riley Financial, Inc. sold 119476 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$1428534Filing
SNCR09:25:56 PM, 08/14/2024B. Riley Financial, Inc. sold 144331 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$1672859Filing
SNCR01:00:03 AM, 08/10/2024B. Riley Financial, Inc. sold 98564 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$1119905Filing
SNCR01:00:03 AM, 08/10/2024B. Riley Financial, Inc. sold 98564 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$1119905Filing
SNCR09:56:41 PM, 05/01/2024Harris Laurie sold 4809 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$31018Filing
SNCR09:56:02 PM, 05/01/2024Waldis Stephen G(Executive Chairman) sold 5152 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$33181Filing
SNCR09:55:47 PM, 05/01/2024Gabrys Christina(EVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 989 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$6379Filing
SNCR09:54:59 PM, 05/01/2024Doran Patrick Joseph(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 1706 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$11003Filing
SNCR08:12:03 PM, 04/19/2024Gabrys Christina(SVP and CLO) sold 973 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$6246Filing
SNCR08:08:03 PM, 04/19/2024Doran Patrick Joseph(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 1669 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$10714Filing
SNCR09:46:56 PM, 04/15/2024Harris Laurie sold 411 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$3144Filing
SNCR08:56:33 PM, 04/12/2024Waldis Stephen G(Executive Chairman) sold 482 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$3701Filing
SNCR08:40:10 PM, 04/12/2024Doran Patrick Joseph(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 700 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$5376Filing
SNCR08:35:39 PM, 04/12/2024Gabrys Christina(SVP and CLO) sold 149 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$1144Filing
SNCR01:03:51 AM, 03/08/2024Gabrys Christina(SVP and CLO) sold 356 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$3321Filing
SNCR12:46:59 AM, 03/08/2024Doran Patrick Joseph(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 2750 shares of SYNCHRONOSS TECHNOLOGIES INC (SNCR) for ~$25657Filing

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