SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (NYSE: SNDA) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SNDA
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SNDA09:15:04 PM, 12/09/2024
Harris Benjamin P sold 3000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$72000
SNDA09:47:54 PM, 11/19/2024
Ribar Brandon(President & CEO) purchased 4000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$90720
SNDA09:47:00 PM, 11/19/2024
Karicher Michael(See Remarks) purchased 2000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$44000
SNDA09:41:57 PM, 11/19/2024
Beren Noah purchased 5500 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$121725
SNDA09:35:15 PM, 11/19/2024
Cober Timothy(VP & Chief Accounting Officer) sold 5227 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$118851
SNDA09:34:52 PM, 11/19/2024
Detz Kevin(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) purchased 4336 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$94071
SNDA09:00:28 PM, 10/25/2024
Simanovsky Michael purchased 127218 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$3148645
SNDA01:42:56 AM, 10/17/2024
Simanovsky Michael purchased 34448 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$829085
SNDA08:26:05 PM, 08/19/2024
Levinson Sam purchased 250000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$6750000
SNDA08:25:06 PM, 08/19/2024
Beren Noah purchased 3700 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$99900
SNDA05:07:54 PM, 06/14/2024
Ribar Brandon(President & CEO) purchased 4200 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$100170
SNDA08:21:12 PM, 04/22/2024
Clark Reanae(See Remarks) purchased 3347 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$100778
SNDA09:32:17 PM, 04/18/2024
Ribar Brandon(President & CEO) purchased 3000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$86160
SNDA10:02:18 PM, 04/09/2024
Fryar Michael(SVP - Chief Revenue Officer) sold 9194 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$259410
SNDA08:42:31 PM, 03/25/2024
Levinson Sam purchased 526316 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$5000002
SNDA02:33:37 AM, 02/06/2024
Levinson Sam purchased 1052632 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$10000004
SNDA09:05:48 PM, 12/22/2023
Ortelius Advisors, L.P. sold 268630 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$2686300
SNDA08:16:28 PM, 09/08/2023
Cober Timothy(VP & Chief Accounting Officer) purchased 3430 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$25450
SNDA09:22:41 PM, 05/22/2023
Levinson Sam purchased 7874 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$53570
SNDA09:54:30 PM, 04/06/2023
Karicher Michael(See Remarks) purchased 10000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$71965
SNDA11:30:40 PM, 04/05/2023
Levinson Sam purchased 7023 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$48966
SNDA11:30:24 PM, 04/05/2023
Lieberman Shmuel purchased 1000 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$6900
SNDA11:30:09 PM, 04/05/2023
Beren Noah purchased 3500 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$24465
SNDA08:06:41 PM, 03/31/2023
Ortelius Advisors, L.P. purchased 2802 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$29533
SNDA12:15:51 AM, 01/25/2023
Ortelius Advisors, L.P. purchased 5973 shares of SONIDA SENIOR LIVING, INC. (SNDA) for ~$92238

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