Seagen Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Seagen Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Seagen Inc. (Nasdaq: SGEN) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Seagen Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Seagen Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SGEN
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SGEN01:02:01 AM, 11/14/2023
Epstein David R(CEO) sold 10620 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$2262166
SGEN12:32:35 AM, 11/14/2023
HIMES VAUGHN B(Chief Technical Officer) sold 8785 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$1874051
SGEN11:51:39 PM, 09/22/2023
DANSEY ROGER D(President, R&D & CMO) sold 71 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$14661
SGEN11:48:12 PM, 09/22/2023
HIMES VAUGHN B(Chief Technical Officer) sold 80 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$16520
SGEN11:47:13 PM, 09/22/2023
LIU JEAN I(Chief Legal Officer) sold 64 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$13216
SGEN11:46:00 PM, 09/22/2023
ROMP CHARLES R(EVP, Commercial U.S.) sold 45 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$9292
SGEN11:45:15 PM, 09/22/2023
SIMPSON TODD E(Chief Financial Officer) sold 80 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$16520
SGEN09:09:16 PM, 09/08/2023
HIMES VAUGHN B(Chief Technical Officer) sold 8785 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$1807601
SGEN08:51:57 PM, 09/01/2023
DANSEY ROGER D(President, R&D & CMO) sold 4029 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$833882
SGEN08:51:26 PM, 09/01/2023
HIMES VAUGHN B(Chief Technical Officer) sold 1795 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$371511
SGEN08:50:53 PM, 09/01/2023
LIU JEAN I(Chief Legal Officer) sold 1893 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$391794
SGEN08:50:20 PM, 09/01/2023
ROMP CHARLES R(EVP, Commercial U.S.) sold 555 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$114868
SGEN08:49:40 PM, 09/01/2023
SIMPSON TODD E(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2122 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$439190
SGEN11:08:39 PM, 08/30/2023
DANSEY ROGER D(President, R&D & CMO) sold 1016 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$209296
SGEN11:07:36 PM, 08/30/2023
HIMES VAUGHN B(Chief Technical Officer) sold 371 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$76426
SGEN11:06:51 PM, 08/30/2023
ROMP CHARLES R(EVP, Commercial U.S.) sold 438 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$90228
SGEN11:06:13 PM, 08/30/2023
SIMPSON TODD E(Chief Financial Officer) sold 485 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$99910
SGEN11:04:49 PM, 08/30/2023
LIU JEAN I(Chief Legal Officer) sold 405 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$83430
SGEN10:22:59 PM, 08/29/2023
WELCH DANIEL G sold 4925 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$1029711
SGEN12:18:35 AM, 07/06/2023
ROMP CHARLES R(EVP, Commercial U.S.) sold 708 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$136261
SGEN10:50:02 PM, 06/09/2023
HIMES VAUGHN B(Chief Technical Officer) sold 16215 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$3166627
SGEN11:04:06 PM, 05/18/2023
ROMP CHARLES R(EVP, Commercial U.S.) sold 349 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$66261
SGEN11:23:14 PM, 05/16/2023
WELCH DANIEL G sold 1864 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$372837
SGEN01:16:11 AM, 05/04/2023
WELCH DANIEL G sold 27032 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$5408184
SGEN10:16:01 PM, 04/19/2023
LIU JEAN I(Chief Legal Officer) sold 5000 shares of Seagen Inc. (SGEN) for ~$1029300

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