RxSight, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at RxSight, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for RxSight, Inc. (Nasdaq: RXST) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by RxSight, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for RxSight, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for RXST
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
RXST11:38:23 PM, 12/03/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 3105 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$143078
RXST12:26:50 AM, 11/27/2024
Maniar Shweta sold 3782 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$173518
RXST12:25:32 AM, 11/27/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 6200 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$281728
RXST02:50:26 AM, 11/19/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 7975 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$363752
RXST12:42:05 AM, 11/15/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 1330 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$61352
RXST12:14:14 AM, 11/15/2024
Corley Jesse Anderson purchased 22476 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$1014596
RXST09:00:23 PM, 11/08/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 3100 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$170490
RXST09:05:40 PM, 11/05/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 3100 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$158235
RXST09:22:19 PM, 10/31/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 3105 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$161180
RXST12:55:12 AM, 10/29/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 6200 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$311333
RXST12:17:53 AM, 10/23/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 3100 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$154008
RXST09:23:47 PM, 10/18/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 6205 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$309836
RXST08:23:16 PM, 10/15/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 9305 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$462454
RXST10:00:56 PM, 10/08/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 6200 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$298437
RXST08:11:31 PM, 10/02/2024
Thunen Shelley B(See remarks) sold 15000 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$726763
RXST12:05:08 AM, 10/01/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 6205 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$304982
RXST10:48:55 PM, 09/23/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 6200 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$328147
RXST08:41:03 PM, 09/18/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 3100 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$173941
RXST08:19:40 PM, 08/06/2024
Goldshleger Ilya(See remarks) sold 9000 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$353287
RXST08:25:48 PM, 07/02/2024
Thunen Shelley B(Chief Financial Officer) sold 18402 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$1079839
RXST10:45:28 PM, 06/17/2024
Andrews Julie sold 15625 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$906292
RXST08:11:17 PM, 05/21/2024
Tammenoms Bakker Juliet purchased 5000 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$305450
RXST09:02:30 PM, 05/06/2024
Kurtz Ronald M MD(President & CEO) sold 40000 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$2406000
RXST08:58:17 PM, 05/02/2024
Thunen Shelley B(Chief Financial Officer) sold 10000 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$526936
RXST08:18:45 PM, 04/02/2024
Thunen Shelley B(Chief Financial Officer) sold 20000 shares of RxSight, Inc. (RXST) for ~$997880

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