PagerDuty, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at PagerDuty, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for PagerDuty, Inc. (NYSE: PD) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by PagerDuty, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for PagerDuty, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PD
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PD10:45:54 PM, 12/16/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 12500 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$251500
PD09:40:07 PM, 12/12/2024
Solomon Dan Alexandru sold 137700 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$2821473
PD10:30:05 PM, 11/14/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 18750 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$375750
PD09:46:05 PM, 11/12/2024
Wilson Howard(Chief Financial Officer) sold 21066 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$421741
PD09:43:06 PM, 11/12/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 38392 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$769759
PD11:28:35 PM, 10/10/2024
REZVAN MITRA(SVP Finance & CAO) sold 2942 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$53132
PD11:25:47 PM, 10/10/2024
WEBB SHELLEY(Chief Legal and People Officer) sold 6246 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$113177
PD09:12:17 PM, 08/27/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 18750 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$376687
PD12:58:59 AM, 08/02/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 14512 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$319264
PD09:32:01 PM, 07/19/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 2000 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$44000
PD12:11:18 AM, 07/16/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 25892 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$544544
PD08:59:50 PM, 07/12/2024
Wilson Howard(Chief Financial Officer) sold 12108 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$248092
PD09:35:57 PM, 07/11/2024
Tejada Jennifer(Chief Executive Officer) sold 31250 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$658437
PD08:11:02 PM, 07/09/2024
WEBB SHELLEY(Chief Legal Officer) sold 5732 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$125978
PD09:36:26 PM, 04/08/2024
WEBB SHELLEY(Chief Legal Officer) sold 6859 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$153594
PD12:48:57 AM, 04/05/2024
REZVAN MITRA(SVP Finance & CAO) sold 2215 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$47888
PD01:16:09 AM, 02/16/2024
Wilson Howard(Chief Financial Officer) sold 8893 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$223125
PD01:32:48 AM, 01/18/2024
Wilson Howard(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5000 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$131350
PD01:29:13 AM, 01/18/2024
Wilson Howard(Chief Financial Officer) sold 322 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$8062
PD01:27:16 AM, 01/13/2024
Wilson Howard(Chief Financial Officer) sold 33782 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$867521
PD12:40:25 AM, 01/11/2024
WEBB SHELLEY(SVP and General Counsel) sold 1104 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$24288
PD09:13:45 PM, 01/08/2024
WEBB SHELLEY(SVP and General Counsel) sold 5519 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$118106
PD09:13:20 PM, 01/02/2024
REZVAN MITRA(SVP Finance & CAO) sold 1103 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$26008
PD11:37:08 PM, 11/09/2023
WEBB SHELLEY(SVP and General Counsel) sold 4571 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$100562
PD09:12:52 PM, 10/11/2023
WEBB SHELLEY(SVP and General Counsel) sold 16723 shares of PagerDuty, Inc. (PD) for ~$363056

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