Quanex Building Products CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Quanex Building Products CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for Quanex Building Products CORP (NYSE: NX) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Quanex Building Products CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Quanex Building Products CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for NX
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
NX09:18:29 PM, 12/19/2024
Wilson George Laverne(President & CEO) purchased 4328 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$99673
NX09:16:11 PM, 12/19/2024
Zuehlke Scott M.(Senior VP, CFO & Treasurer) purchased 435 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$10048
NX09:20:12 PM, 12/04/2024
Wilson George Laverne(President & CEO) sold 6300 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$185157
NX08:11:20 PM, 03/22/2024
Cornett Paul(SVP General Counsel, Secretary) sold 5500 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$207045
NX09:17:45 PM, 01/05/2024
STEVENS CURTIS M sold 4880 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$148644
NX09:20:30 PM, 12/28/2023
DAVIS SUSAN F sold 9889 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$304185
NX09:34:18 PM, 12/05/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 52404 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$1664506
NX09:29:06 PM, 12/05/2023
Cornett Paul(SVP General Counsel, Secretary) sold 1800 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$57600
NX09:36:06 PM, 11/16/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 30892 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$938637
NX08:46:49 PM, 09/06/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 25000 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$727250
NX08:39:33 PM, 08/02/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 6321 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$177556
NX08:22:40 PM, 08/01/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 16877 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$474042
NX08:03:57 PM, 07/28/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 727 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$20370
NX08:26:02 PM, 07/24/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 162 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$4545
NX08:48:39 PM, 07/19/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 913 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$25591
NX05:18:10 PM, 07/03/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 25000 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$677169
NX08:24:17 PM, 06/15/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 40000 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$1065434
NX09:20:24 PM, 02/15/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C sold 300 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$8100
NX09:00:56 PM, 02/06/2023
GRIFFITHS WILLIAM C(Executive Chairman) sold 1404 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$37932
NX10:16:21 PM, 01/18/2023
Cornett Paul(SVP General Counsel, Secretary) sold 2000 shares of Quanex Building Products CORP (NX) for ~$50000

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