MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (Nasdaq: MU) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for MU
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
MU10:02:02 PM, 10/23/2024
Bokan Michael W(SVP, Worldwide Sales) sold 10000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$1090300
MU09:35:17 PM, 09/30/2024
ARNZEN APRIL S(EVP and Chief People Officer) sold 4890 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$552570
MU10:06:25 PM, 07/01/2024
ARNZEN APRIL S(EVP and Chief People Officer) sold 4890 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$664355
MU10:05:11 PM, 06/21/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 34284 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$5220616
MU09:54:25 PM, 06/13/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 37000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$5141954
MU10:19:02 PM, 06/06/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$882950
MU10:11:07 PM, 05/31/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$924975
MU11:58:05 PM, 05/23/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$893616
MU11:03:56 PM, 05/16/2024
Bokan Michael W(SVP, Worldwide Sales) sold 15000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$1851300
MU11:03:42 PM, 05/16/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$860208
MU12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
BHATIA MANISH H(EVP, Global Operations) sold 40650 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$4914178
MU12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
Sadana Sumit(EVP and Chief Business Officer) sold 60031 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$7243436
MU12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$842207
MU11:01:15 PM, 05/08/2024
BHATIA MANISH H(EVP, Global Operations) sold 53317 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$6354320
MU12:00:52 AM, 05/04/2024
Deboer Scott J(EVP, Technology & Products) sold 40000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$4412400
MU11:01:09 PM, 05/02/2024
Bokan Michael W(SVP, Worldwide Sales) sold 15000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$1733250
MU11:00:54 PM, 05/02/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$804104
MU11:01:42 PM, 04/25/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$783539
MU11:07:35 PM, 04/17/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$844919
MU11:01:04 PM, 04/11/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 7000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$858169
MU11:04:23 PM, 04/04/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 52000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$6704664
MU12:19:27 AM, 03/30/2024
ARNZEN APRIL S(EVP, Chief People Officer) sold 4890 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$583377
MU11:07:00 PM, 03/27/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 52000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$6239311
MU12:02:39 AM, 03/22/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 52000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$5753627
MU12:02:35 AM, 03/13/2024
MEHROTRA SANJAY(CEO and President) sold 52000 shares of MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC (MU) for ~$5169448

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