LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (Nasdaq: LQDT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LQDT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LQDT10:21:01 PM, 11/01/2024
Weiskircher Steven(SVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 4678 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$100015
LQDT09:06:54 PM, 09/13/2024
Celaya Jorge(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 12259 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$271104
LQDT08:45:48 PM, 09/10/2024
Daunt John(EVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 48857 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$1059011
LQDT09:54:27 PM, 09/09/2024
Celaya Jorge(EVP & Chief Financial Officer) sold 3248 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$69864
LQDT11:21:15 PM, 08/28/2024
Daunt John(EVP, Chief Commercial Officer) sold 30582 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$681056
LQDT11:18:40 PM, 08/28/2024
ELLIS GEORGE H sold 5500 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$123970
LQDT12:46:10 AM, 08/28/2024
Murray Novelette(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 8411 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$186932
LQDT12:42:41 AM, 08/28/2024
Weiskircher Steven(SVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 20045 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$436981
LQDT12:41:01 AM, 08/28/2024
Shaffer Mark A(VP, Gen. Counsel & Secretary) sold 7069 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$157638
LQDT08:35:52 PM, 08/22/2024
Weiskircher Steven(SVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 11423 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$252540
LQDT10:42:21 PM, 08/21/2024
Shaffer Mark A(VP, Gen. Counsel & Secretary) sold 21987 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$490747
LQDT10:40:24 PM, 08/21/2024
KOLODZIESKI EDWARD sold 20000 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$443484
LQDT08:05:08 PM, 03/13/2024
ELLIS GEORGE H sold 6000 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$105000
LQDT09:22:04 PM, 09/07/2023
Weiskircher Steven(SVP & CTO) sold 7832 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$133569
LQDT08:46:38 PM, 09/06/2023
Angrick William P III(Chairman & CEO) sold 75757 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$1356507
LQDT08:03:35 PM, 09/01/2023
Weiskircher Steven(SVP & CTO) sold 14495 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$263373
LQDT08:27:12 PM, 08/31/2023
Angrick William P III(Chairman & CEO) sold 261157 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$4770445
LQDT09:12:00 PM, 06/06/2023
Weiskircher Steven(SVP & CTO) sold 12307 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$196365
LQDT09:04:23 PM, 06/06/2023
Murray Novelette(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 2924 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$46808
LQDT08:43:36 PM, 05/26/2023
Daunt John(EVP & CCO) sold 27717 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$418630
LQDT08:51:27 PM, 05/16/2023
ELLIS GEORGE H sold 8500 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$132090
LQDT09:58:15 PM, 05/10/2023
Celaya Jorge(CFO) sold 4719 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$66726
LQDT08:08:05 PM, 03/23/2023
Daunt John(EVP & CCO) sold 8775 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$122850
LQDT09:55:13 PM, 02/08/2023
Daunt John(EVP & COO) sold 8775 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$122850
LQDT09:14:57 PM, 12/13/2022
Mateus-Tique Jaime sold 11368 shares of LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC (LQDT) for ~$146306

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