Liquidia Corp insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Liquidia Corp

Welcome to our dedicated page for Liquidia Corp (Nasdaq: LQDA) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Liquidia Corp's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Liquidia Corp, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LQDA
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LQDA09:30:19 PM, 11/20/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 459 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$5191
LQDA09:15:16 PM, 10/29/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 459 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$5191
LQDA08:15:19 PM, 10/22/2024
Saggar Rajeev(Chief Medical Officer) sold 2526 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$28265
LQDA12:12:45 AM, 10/16/2024
Schundler Russell(General Counsel) sold 2576 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$28619
LQDA12:11:24 AM, 10/16/2024
Saggar Rajeev(Chief Medical Officer) sold 2260 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$25108
LQDA12:10:24 AM, 10/16/2024
Moomaw Scott(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 1527 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$16964
LQDA12:08:31 AM, 10/16/2024
Kaseta Michael(CFO and COO) sold 3892 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$43240
LQDA12:06:42 AM, 10/16/2024
JEFFS ROGER(Chief Executive Officer) sold 8053 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$89468
LQDA12:06:05 AM, 10/16/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 1146 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$12732
LQDA08:05:20 PM, 09/16/2024
Manning Paul B purchased 337078 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$2999994
LQDA09:51:34 PM, 09/04/2024
Caligan Partners LP sold 150000 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$1426500
LQDA08:51:59 PM, 09/04/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 455 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$4322
LQDA08:44:51 PM, 09/04/2024
Schundler Russell(General Counsel) sold 710 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$6745
LQDA08:44:31 PM, 09/04/2024
Moomaw Scott(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 546 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$5187
LQDA08:40:34 PM, 09/04/2024
Kaseta Michael(CFO and COO) sold 1079 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$10250
LQDA08:30:32 PM, 07/29/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 1833 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$20969
LQDA08:30:11 PM, 07/22/2024
Saggar Rajeev(Chief Medical Officer) sold 1873 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$20846
LQDA10:32:16 PM, 07/15/2024
JEFFS ROGER(Chief Executive Officer) sold 8053 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$100904
LQDA10:30:24 PM, 07/15/2024
Moomaw Scott(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 1528 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$19145
LQDA10:28:42 PM, 07/15/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 1146 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$14359
LQDA10:27:33 PM, 07/15/2024
Schundler Russell(General Counsel) sold 1985 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$24872
LQDA10:25:30 PM, 07/15/2024
Saggar Rajeev(Chief Medical Officer) sold 1470 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$18419
LQDA10:23:24 PM, 07/15/2024
Kaseta Michael(CFO and COO) sold 3906 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$48942
LQDA01:26:38 AM, 06/05/2024
Kaseta Michael(CFO and COO) sold 1094 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$15917
LQDA01:26:00 AM, 06/05/2024
Adair Jason(Chief Business Officer) sold 455 shares of Liquidia Corp (LQDA) for ~$6620

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