MSP Recovery, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at MSP Recovery, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for MSP Recovery, Inc. (Nasdaq: LIFW) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by MSP Recovery, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for MSP Recovery, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LIFW
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LIFW01:32:17 AM, 11/07/2024
Palantir Technologies Inc. sold 958356 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$114427
LIFW12:03:06 AM, 11/02/2024
Palantir Technologies Inc. sold 774582 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$85762
LIFW08:05:11 PM, 08/28/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 50000 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$12000
LIFW01:10:23 PM, 08/22/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 360620 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$100973
LIFW08:05:04 PM, 08/21/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 100000 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$28000
LIFW08:12:23 PM, 08/20/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 100000 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$25000
LIFW08:05:04 PM, 08/19/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 100000 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$25000
LIFW08:20:21 PM, 08/16/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 168000 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$42000
LIFW08:34:33 PM, 04/03/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 1139876 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$996711
LIFW08:30:18 PM, 03/29/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 50713 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$35240
LIFW12:00:39 AM, 03/27/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 96102 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$71440
LIFW10:39:17 PM, 03/21/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 118014 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$89532
LIFW12:56:34 AM, 03/19/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 146987 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$114460
LIFW10:29:10 PM, 03/13/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 130807 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$116709
LIFW10:56:17 PM, 03/08/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 391759 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$391165
LIFW12:24:32 AM, 03/06/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 1667905 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$1946703
LIFW10:29:20 PM, 03/04/2024
Ruiz John Hasan(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 438596 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$499999
LIFW10:46:23 PM, 02/29/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 94388 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$78188
LIFW01:33:25 AM, 02/27/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 82258 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$66944
LIFW10:26:06 PM, 02/21/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 225252 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$186463
LIFW12:52:58 AM, 02/16/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 221246 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$174273
LIFW11:44:11 PM, 02/12/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 124923 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$97808
LIFW12:00:32 AM, 02/08/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 200057 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$164535
LIFW01:22:32 AM, 02/03/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 165688 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$179595
LIFW10:06:11 PM, 01/31/2024
Cano Health, Inc. sold 137249 shares of MSP Recovery, Inc. (LIFW) for ~$157676

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