Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EVLV) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for EVLV
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
EVLV09:21:40 PM, 11/05/2024
Muelhoefer Jay(Chief Commercial Officer) sold 80959 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$178919
EVLV08:05:45 PM, 08/14/2024
Glat Neil purchased 8333 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$24999
EVLV08:05:10 PM, 08/14/2024
Gonzales David Mounts purchased 50000 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$150000
EVLV09:11:46 PM, 06/14/2024
Saintil Merline sold 7754 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$18376
EVLV08:21:53 PM, 06/04/2024
Donohue Mark(Chief Financial Officer) sold 186483 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$509098
EVLV08:31:11 PM, 04/02/2024
Chitkara Anil(Founder & Chief Growth Officer) sold 50000 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$250000
EVLV10:32:10 PM, 03/07/2024
Gonzales David Mounts purchased 50000 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$193000
EVLV10:23:00 PM, 03/05/2024
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 38356 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$139232
EVLV10:21:09 PM, 03/05/2024
George Peter Gustav(President & CEO) sold 132173 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$479787
EVLV10:19:31 PM, 03/05/2024
Donohue Mark(Chief Financial Officer) sold 39323 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$142742
EVLV10:17:49 PM, 03/05/2024
Chitkara Anil(Founder & Chief Growth Officer) sold 34065 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$123655
EVLV09:26:18 PM, 02/21/2024
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 83334 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$435003
EVLV01:38:50 AM, 02/10/2024
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 54873 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$276559
EVLV02:02:35 PM, 01/18/2024
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 41667 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$175834
EVLV12:41:11 AM, 01/04/2024
Donohue Mark(Chief Financial Officer) sold 368 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$1667
EVLV12:39:42 AM, 01/04/2024
Chitkara Anil(Founder & Chief Growth Officer) sold 915 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$4144
EVLV12:38:25 AM, 01/04/2024
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 915 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$4144
EVLV12:36:48 AM, 01/04/2024
George Peter Gustav(President & CEO) sold 915 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$4144
EVLV09:56:06 PM, 12/29/2023
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 2600 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$13000
EVLV09:48:28 PM, 12/28/2023
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 79980 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$400693
EVLV01:30:28 AM, 12/21/2023
DeRosa Anthony John(Chief Revenue Officer) sold 30000 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$150000
EVLV10:14:05 PM, 12/20/2023
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 70882 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$347201
EVLV01:32:56 AM, 12/19/2023
DeRosa Anthony John(Chief Revenue Officer) sold 10000 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$47699
EVLV10:57:51 PM, 11/16/2023
DeRosa Anthony John(Chief Revenue Officer) sold 10000 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$40400
EVLV09:17:11 PM, 10/25/2023
Ellenbogen Michael(Founder & Chief Innovation Ofc) sold 41667 shares of Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc. (EVLV) for ~$167694

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