CIMPRESS plc insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at CIMPRESS plc

Welcome to our dedicated page for CIMPRESS plc (Nasdaq: CMPR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by CIMPRESS plc's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for CIMPRESS plc, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for CMPR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
CMPR09:01:11 PM, 11/12/2024
Prescott General Partners LLC sold 316056 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$25000028
CMPR12:46:55 AM, 09/10/2024
Keane Robert S(CEO, Chairman) sold 396 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$38629
CMPR01:20:19 AM, 09/04/2024
Keane Robert S(CEO, Chairman) sold 71019 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$7051235
CMPR06:22:41 PM, 08/30/2024
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 24093 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$2372715
CMPR02:36:03 PM, 08/23/2024
Wensveen Maarten(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 1317 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$118530
CMPR04:48:06 PM, 07/02/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 4034 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$348535
CMPR08:52:31 PM, 06/17/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 4035 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$328572
CMPR09:33:15 PM, 06/03/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 4035 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$327962
CMPR12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 3410 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$290467
CMPR08:54:16 PM, 05/01/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 3410 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$289270
CMPR09:54:34 PM, 04/15/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 4432 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$408795
CMPR06:26:34 PM, 04/09/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 4433 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$433918
CMPR10:20:23 PM, 04/01/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 5683 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$511278
CMPR10:44:00 PM, 03/21/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 5683 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$527464
CMPR09:11:38 PM, 03/15/2024
Baumgartner Florian(EVP and CEO, Vista) sold 5683 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$498412
CMPR10:26:16 PM, 03/05/2024
Sternberg Zachary sold 300000 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$29250000
CMPR02:40:30 PM, 02/23/2024
Wensveen Maarten(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 1651 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$148590
CMPR10:12:25 PM, 02/01/2024
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 6959 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$626310
CMPR04:31:24 PM, 11/27/2023
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 1187 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$85606
CMPR04:15:38 PM, 11/16/2023
Wensveen Maarten(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 13727 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$907916
CMPR10:29:43 PM, 11/06/2023
Wensveen Maarten(EVP & Chief Technology Officer) sold 2348 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$143228
CMPR03:25:36 PM, 09/22/2023
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 6001 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$423310
CMPR04:39:01 PM, 09/18/2023
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 7795 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$530060
CMPR06:15:47 PM, 08/17/2023
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 3032 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$211451
CMPR01:36:07 PM, 08/16/2023
Quinn Sean Edward(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) sold 15011 shares of CIMPRESS plc (CMPR) for ~$1036659

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