Xos, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Xos, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Xos, Inc. (Nasdaq: XOS) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Xos, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Xos, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for XOS
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
XOS03:32:14 PM, 12/13/2024
Pogosyan Liana(Acting Chief Financial Officer) sold 7418 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$28707
XOS09:06:01 PM, 12/03/2024
Romero Christen T(General Counsel) sold 20000 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$80000
XOS08:31:11 PM, 04/29/2024
Pogosyan Liana(Acting Chief Financial Officer) sold 423 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$5279
XOS08:25:40 PM, 04/29/2024
Pogosyan Liana(Acting Chief Financial Officer) sold 607 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$3751
XOS08:20:31 PM, 04/29/2024
Pogosyan Liana(Acting Chief Financial Officer) sold 1372 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$12430
XOS08:16:21 PM, 04/29/2024
Pogosyan Liana(Acting Chief Financial Officer) sold 224 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$2150
XOS08:13:19 PM, 06/14/2023
Mattson George N purchased 98270 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$68789
XOS11:11:26 PM, 04/12/2023
Mattson George N purchased 165691 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$101012
XOS08:52:19 PM, 04/07/2023
Mattson George N purchased 106039 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$64082
XOS11:23:35 PM, 04/04/2023
Mattson George N purchased 130000 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$72100
XOS09:09:37 PM, 03/03/2023
Ferber Robert(Chief Technology Officer) sold 6318 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$4864
XOS09:07:19 PM, 02/03/2023
Ferber Robert(Chief Technology Officer) sold 6318 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$6065
XOS09:09:38 PM, 01/23/2023
Mattson George N purchased 1394 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$1394
XOS09:09:20 PM, 01/23/2023
Sordoni Giordano(Chief Operating Officer) purchased 73513 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$72777
XOS01:39:18 AM, 01/20/2023
Sordoni Giordano(Chief Operating Officer) purchased 168268 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$171893
XOS11:33:27 PM, 01/18/2023
Mattson George N purchased 128666 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$126379
XOS11:59:09 PM, 01/12/2023
Semler Dakota(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 23521 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$23991
XOS11:58:48 PM, 01/11/2023
Mattson George N purchased 185343 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$180343
XOS12:42:29 AM, 01/10/2023
Semler Dakota(Chief Executive Officer) purchased 250189 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$220277
XOS11:15:26 PM, 01/05/2023
Mattson George N purchased 184597 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$106989
XOS09:06:36 PM, 01/03/2023
Ferber Robert(Chief Technology Officer) sold 14533 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$6685
XOS09:03:20 PM, 12/08/2022
Castaneda Jose(VP, Business Development) purchased 7500 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$4500
XOS09:21:16 PM, 12/02/2022
RAPP EDWARD J purchased 300000 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$206999
XOS09:20:50 PM, 12/02/2022
Ferber Robert(Chief Technology Officer) sold 14533 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$9010
XOS08:31:34 PM, 11/02/2022
Ferber Robert(Chief Technology Officer) sold 14533 shares of Xos, Inc. (XOS) for ~$16712

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