Xencor Inc insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Xencor Inc

Welcome to our dedicated page for Xencor Inc (Nasdaq: XNCR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Xencor Inc's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Xencor Inc, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for XNCR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
XNCR09:04:56 PM, 11/25/2024
Dahiyat Bassil I(PRESIDENT & CEO) sold 49278 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$1186121
XNCR11:38:10 PM, 11/14/2024
Dahiyat Bassil I(PRESIDENT & CEO) sold 3366 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$80851
XNCR10:46:02 PM, 11/13/2024
Desjarlais John R(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CSO) sold 68684 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$1612700
XNCR08:13:21 PM, 10/01/2024
ROSA-BJORKESON DAGMAR sold 2503 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$51762
XNCR08:12:07 PM, 10/01/2024
RANIERI RICHARD J sold 2503 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$51762
XNCR08:10:52 PM, 10/01/2024
GUSTAFSON KURT A sold 2503 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$51762
XNCR08:09:37 PM, 10/01/2024
GORMAN KEVIN CHARLES sold 2654 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$54884
XNCR08:08:23 PM, 10/01/2024
Montgomery Alan Bruce sold 1853 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$38320
XNCR08:07:00 PM, 10/01/2024
Feigal Ellen sold 2503 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$51762
XNCR10:41:06 PM, 07/11/2024
Desjarlais John R(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CSO) sold 36329 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$665547
XNCR08:06:42 PM, 05/03/2024
Valente Nancy(EVP, Chief Development Officer) sold 4745 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$111887
XNCR08:08:15 PM, 03/12/2024
Kuch John J(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CFO) sold 849 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$19951
XNCR08:06:45 PM, 03/12/2024
Eckert Celia(SVP, GENERAL COUNSEL) sold 850 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$19975
XNCR08:05:27 PM, 03/12/2024
Desjarlais John R(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CSO) sold 1280 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$30080
XNCR08:03:54 PM, 03/12/2024
Dahiyat Bassil I(PRESIDENT & CEO) sold 2741 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$64413
XNCR09:10:27 PM, 03/07/2024
GUSTAFSON KURT A sold 14000 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$324520
XNCR09:07:21 PM, 03/07/2024
Kuch John J(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CFO) sold 4474 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$104825
XNCR09:05:16 PM, 03/07/2024
Desjarlais John R(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CSO) sold 6629 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$155317
XNCR09:03:28 PM, 03/07/2024
Eckert Celia(SVP, GENERAL COUNSEL) sold 3892 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$91189
XNCR09:01:52 PM, 03/07/2024
Dahiyat Bassil I(PRESIDENT & CEO) sold 12528 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$293531
XNCR09:02:46 PM, 02/15/2024
GORMAN KEVIN CHARLES purchased 53 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$1013
XNCR07:23:30 PM, 02/14/2024
Desjarlais John R(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CSO) sold 54108 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$1048613
XNCR09:24:19 PM, 12/29/2023
Dahiyat Bassil I(PRESIDENT & CEO) sold 45000 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$941850
XNCR12:33:09 PM, 06/22/2023
Dahiyat Bassil I(PRESIDENT & CEO) sold 33497 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$877286
XNCR11:48:16 PM, 03/13/2023
Yang Allen(SR. VICE PRESIDENT & CMO) sold 1094 shares of Xencor Inc (XNCR) for ~$32688

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