Workday, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Workday, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Workday, Inc. (Nasdaq: WDAY) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Workday, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Workday, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for WDAY
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
WDAY09:44:33 PM, 12/26/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 56000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$14878771
WDAY09:19:16 PM, 12/20/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 57000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$15692884
WDAY09:22:03 PM, 12/18/2024
STILL GEORGE J JR sold 7500 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$2074049
WDAY09:18:43 PM, 12/18/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 63946 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$17684910
WDAY11:25:12 PM, 12/04/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 70003 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$17584871
WDAY10:39:44 PM, 12/03/2024
Chakraborty Sayan(President, Prod. and Tech.) sold 5498 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$1378768
WDAY09:07:56 PM, 10/15/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 56000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$13552399
WDAY08:12:54 PM, 10/15/2024
Frederick Wayne A.I. sold 1828 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$442107
WDAY09:12:44 PM, 10/10/2024
Sauer Richard Harry(Chief Legal Officer & Secty) sold 3134 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$738927
WDAY08:40:21 PM, 10/09/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 130320 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$30982294
WDAY08:37:45 PM, 10/02/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 127601 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$30832846
WDAY08:30:22 PM, 09/25/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 56000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$13740134
WDAY08:19:11 PM, 09/20/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 57000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$14112746
WDAY08:21:59 PM, 09/18/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 69986 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$17437206
WDAY11:13:25 PM, 09/09/2024
STILL GEORGE J JR sold 7500 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$1915906
WDAY09:14:04 PM, 09/05/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 66492 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$17367443
WDAY11:00:38 PM, 08/28/2024
STILL GEORGE J JR sold 7500 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$1952402
WDAY10:58:27 PM, 08/28/2024
Robinson Douglas A.(Co-President) sold 3121 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$812375
WDAY10:53:48 PM, 08/28/2024
Chakraborty Sayan(Co-President) sold 5496 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$1430365
WDAY08:40:49 PM, 07/16/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 56000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$12841694
WDAY08:58:10 PM, 07/09/2024
Sauer Richard Harry(Chief Legal Officer & Secty) sold 3134 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$710386
WDAY08:47:56 PM, 07/09/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 132376 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$30092067
WDAY10:04:21 AM, 07/03/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 134279 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$30059086
WDAY08:25:56 PM, 06/25/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 56000 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$12240351
WDAY08:41:00 PM, 06/20/2024
DUFFIELD DAVID A sold 83541 shares of Workday, Inc. (WDAY) for ~$17688636

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