Waste Connections, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Waste Connections, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Waste Connections, Inc. (NYSE: WCN) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Waste Connections, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Waste Connections, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for WCN
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
WCN12:55:36 AM, 11/14/2024
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 1000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$187500
WCN09:17:20 PM, 11/12/2024
LITTLE JAMES(Executive VP Engineering) sold 2000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$370640
WCN08:09:26 PM, 09/11/2024
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 571 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$105920
WCN08:17:33 PM, 09/05/2024
GUILLET EDWARD E sold 8000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$1478640
WCN08:11:33 PM, 08/16/2024
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 500 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$90875
WCN08:14:57 PM, 08/09/2024
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 1000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$180150
WCN08:15:32 PM, 08/07/2024
RIVARD PHILIP(SR VP Business Development) sold 2300 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$401925
WCN08:32:14 PM, 08/06/2024
Netherton Susan(SR VP People, Training & Dev) sold 2000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$358260
WCN08:15:26 PM, 08/02/2024
Whitney Mary Anne(Executive Vice President & CFO) sold 16300 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$2902215
WCN08:23:39 PM, 06/11/2024
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 1000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$169000
WCN12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
HARLAN MICHAEL W sold 1500 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$251385
WCN12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 2000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$332000
WCN08:08:46 PM, 03/11/2024
LITTLE JAMES(Executive VP Engineering) sold 6000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$1011839
WCN08:08:22 PM, 03/11/2024
GUILLET EDWARD E sold 2000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$337580
WCN09:09:56 PM, 02/28/2024
RIVARD PHILIP(SR VP Business Development) sold 1250 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$212762
WCN09:11:16 PM, 02/27/2024
Cloninger Robert Michael(SR VP, Deputy General Counsel) sold 3746 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$637606
WCN09:18:34 PM, 02/26/2024
Bertone Andrea E. sold 902 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$152591
WCN09:13:12 PM, 02/22/2024
Shea Patrick James(Exec VP, General Counsel & Sec) sold 9000 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$1511730
WCN09:12:50 PM, 02/22/2024
HANSEN ERIC(Senior Vice President and CIO) sold 3523 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$592004
WCN09:12:42 PM, 02/22/2024
Black Matthew Stephen(Sr VP Chief Accounting Officer) sold 4128 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$690779
WCN09:17:37 PM, 12/26/2023
RIVARD PHILIP(SR VP Business Development) sold 5097 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$745487
WCN09:13:14 PM, 12/08/2023
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 500 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$70250
WCN08:08:24 PM, 11/03/2023
Cloninger Robert Michael(SR VP, Deputy General Counsel) sold 2945 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$382521
WCN08:11:10 PM, 09/07/2023
RAZZOUK WILLIAM J sold 1500 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$208862
WCN08:11:15 PM, 09/06/2023
NIELSEN III ROBERT(SR VP Operations) sold 200 shares of Waste Connections, Inc. (WCN) for ~$27800

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