WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP

Welcome to our dedicated page for WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (NYSE: WBS) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for WBS
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
WBS09:03:43 PM, 12/03/2024
BLEY DANIEL(Chief Risk Officer) sold 500 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$30955
WBS09:03:09 PM, 11/27/2024
GRIFFIN JAMES MI(Head of Consumer Banking) sold 1610 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$100084
WBS09:02:27 PM, 11/21/2024
CIULLA JOHN R(Chairman and CEO) sold 8000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$474640
WBS09:19:55 PM, 11/20/2024
WILKINS CHARLES L(Head of HSA Bank) sold 5000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$297500
WBS09:16:03 PM, 11/19/2024
States Lauren sold 1650 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$99990
WBS09:12:19 PM, 11/07/2024
Evans Javier L.(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 10137 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$581965
WBS09:10:52 PM, 11/07/2024
GRIFFIN JAMES MI(Head of Consumer Banking) sold 2557 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$147769
WBS09:09:56 PM, 11/07/2024
MOTL CHRISTOPHER J(President, Commercial Banking) sold 6000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$335700
WBS09:08:43 PM, 11/07/2024
BLEY DANIEL(Chief Risk Officer) sold 1750 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$104615
WBS08:01:55 PM, 10/23/2024
Pettie Mark sold 4500 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$230130
WBS08:31:53 PM, 10/22/2024
BLEY DANIEL(Chief Risk Officer) sold 3463 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$180422
WBS08:31:05 PM, 10/22/2024
Wang Albert Jen-Wen(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 4000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$209720
WBS08:04:37 PM, 09/20/2024
CIULLA JOHN R(Chairman and CEO) sold 8000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$384344
WBS08:09:03 PM, 09/12/2024
MORSE LAURENCE C sold 8175 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$359536
WBS08:05:05 PM, 09/10/2024
WILKINS CHARLES L(Head of HSA Bank) sold 6500 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$291529
WBS08:09:51 PM, 07/29/2024
WILKINS CHARLES L(Head of HSA Bank) sold 5000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$245350
WBS08:08:36 PM, 07/29/2024
BLEY DANIEL(Chief Risk Officer) sold 3000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$146940
WBS08:11:36 PM, 07/26/2024
SOTO JASON A.(Chief Credit Officer) sold 1650 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$76428
WBS08:05:29 PM, 07/17/2024
CIULLA JOHN R(Chairman and CEO) sold 8000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$384320
WBS08:05:14 PM, 06/05/2024
BLEY DANIEL(Chief Risk Officer) sold 498 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$20970
WBS12:00:01 AM, 05/10/2024
Whiston William E. sold 4000 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$185120
WBS08:08:50 PM, 05/02/2024
BLEY DANIEL(Chief Risk Officer) sold 2280 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$102144
WBS08:15:34 PM, 03/13/2024
GRIFFIN JAMES MI(Head of Consumer Banking) sold 1200 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$58175
WBS08:14:25 PM, 03/13/2024
MOTL CHRISTOPHER J(President of Comm. Banking) sold 13881 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$680169
WBS09:26:11 PM, 03/06/2024
SOTO JASON A.(Chief Credit Officer) sold 907 shares of WEBSTER FINANCIAL CORP (WBS) for ~$43695

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