Vertiv Holdings Co insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Vertiv Holdings Co

Welcome to our dedicated page for Vertiv Holdings Co (NYSE: VRT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Vertiv Holdings Co's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Vertiv Holdings Co, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for VRT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
VRT09:30:07 PM, 12/04/2024
Karlborg Anders(EVP, Man., Logistics and Op Ex) sold 39339 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$5073944
VRT12:15:23 AM, 11/28/2024
Liang Stephen(Chief Technology Officer & EVP) sold 86619 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$11352914
VRT09:19:01 PM, 11/26/2024
DOKKUM JAN VAN sold 38647 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$5271064
VRT09:18:51 PM, 11/26/2024
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 284965 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$40105154
VRT11:00:11 PM, 11/22/2024
Sanghi Anand(Pres. Americas) sold 30914 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$4373094
VRT10:21:45 PM, 11/22/2024
Haussler Jakki L. sold 15347 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$2108370
VRT10:21:35 PM, 11/22/2024
REINEMUND STEVEN sold 100000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$13650237
VRT10:20:11 PM, 11/22/2024
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 1500000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$210968508
VRT09:31:21 PM, 11/21/2024
Washington Robin L sold 5000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$673501
VRT08:17:01 PM, 09/04/2024
Winther Karsten(President, EMEA) sold 44924 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$3593662
VRT08:10:35 PM, 05/30/2024
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 9529 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$1041519
VRT08:06:36 PM, 05/28/2024
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 2431793 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$252974773
VRT09:03:31 PM, 05/17/2024
FRADIN ROGER sold 50000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$5194666
VRT01:04:43 AM, 05/08/2024
Karlborg Anders(EVP, Man., Logistics and Op Ex) sold 46206 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$4331788
VRT01:02:31 AM, 05/08/2024
Cui Yibin Edward(President - Greater China) sold 668 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$63052
VRT08:10:15 PM, 04/30/2024
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 3000000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$280921798
VRT01:13:08 AM, 03/12/2024
Cripps Scott(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 56594 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$4004869
VRT02:01:32 AM, 03/06/2024
Liang Stephen(Chief Technology Officer & EVP) sold 306196 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$21506652
VRT09:56:06 PM, 09/12/2023
VPE Holdings, LLC sold 10000000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$375000000
VRT08:21:02 PM, 09/08/2023
Cripps Scott(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 36008 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$1385187
VRT12:30:02 AM, 08/10/2023
VPE Holdings, LLC sold 20000000 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$698199999
VRT08:21:41 PM, 08/03/2023
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 1916824 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$63578972
VRT08:18:28 PM, 07/17/2023
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 137206 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$3704562
VRT09:01:20 PM, 06/30/2023
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 1897146 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$45569446
VRT08:20:41 PM, 06/28/2023
O' Doherty Philip(Managing Director, E+I) sold 156884 shares of Vertiv Holdings Co (VRT) for ~$3774316

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