StoneX Group Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at StoneX Group Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for StoneX Group Inc. (Nasdaq: SNEX) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by StoneX Group Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for StoneX Group Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SNEX
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SNEX10:01:42 PM, 12/17/2024
Perkins Abigail H(Chief Information Officer) sold 4350 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$417324
SNEX09:53:10 PM, 12/17/2024
Rotsztain Diego(Chief Governance/Legal Officer) sold 4426 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$432641
SNEX09:16:00 PM, 12/16/2024
Maurer Mark Lowry sold 5000 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$508000
SNEX10:13:04 PM, 11/26/2024
OCONNOR SEAN MICHAEL(CEO/President) sold 40000 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$4077800
SNEX10:07:59 PM, 11/26/2024
Rotsztain Diego(Chief Governance/Legal Officer) sold 6858 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$696493
SNEX09:13:36 PM, 11/25/2024
FOWLER JOHN MOORE sold 1800 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$180252
SNEX02:14:14 PM, 11/12/2024
Smith Philip Andrew sold 3500 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$341530
SNEX01:24:42 PM, 11/08/2024
OCONNOR SEAN MICHAEL(CEO/President) sold 37500 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$3690750
SNEX08:18:51 PM, 09/05/2024
FOWLER JOHN MOORE sold 600 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$48996
SNEX08:21:46 PM, 08/08/2024
Smith Philip Andrew sold 4000 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$303560
SNEX08:34:44 PM, 07/16/2024
Nguyen Xuong sold 8091 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$647280
SNEX09:28:06 PM, 07/15/2024
FOWLER JOHN MOORE sold 400 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$31704
SNEX09:25:52 PM, 06/14/2024
Rotsztain Diego(Chief Governance/Legal Officer) sold 5382 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$380130
SNEX10:05:31 PM, 06/13/2024
Rotsztain Diego(Chief Governance/Legal Officer) sold 1090 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$76845
SNEX08:26:58 PM, 06/12/2024
Rotsztain Diego(Chief Governance/Legal Officer) sold 1420 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$102282
SNEX08:29:20 PM, 06/10/2024
Nguyen Xuong(Chief Operating Officer) sold 19988 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$1499899
SNEX08:26:31 PM, 06/10/2024
Rotsztain Diego(Chief Governance/Legal Officer) sold 1090 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$80115
SNEX12:10:01 AM, 06/05/2024
Nguyen Xuong(Chief Operating Officer) sold 12 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$900
SNEX10:16:54 AM, 06/04/2024
FOWLER JOHN MOORE sold 600 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$45204
SNEX08:37:31 PM, 05/21/2024
Lyon Charles M sold 9637 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$721874
SNEX08:45:16 PM, 05/17/2024
Smith Philip Andrew sold 8000 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$601440
SNEX12:00:01 AM, 05/13/2024
Nguyen Xuong(Chief Operating Officer) sold 6909 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$552720
SNEX08:33:25 PM, 05/06/2024
PARTHEMORE ERIC sold 2250 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$168007
SNEX08:33:12 PM, 03/25/2024
Smith Philip Andrew sold 7000 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$488110
SNEX12:51:45 PM, 03/15/2024
BRANCH SCOTT J sold 7500 shares of StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX) for ~$504675

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