SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV

Welcome to our dedicated page for SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (NYSE: SLB) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for SLB
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
SLB09:10:07 PM, 12/20/2024
de La Chevardiere Patrick sold 10000 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$430080
SLB11:02:47 PM, 11/13/2024
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 11520 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$512294
SLB09:46:06 PM, 10/24/2024
Merad Abdellah(EVP, Core Services & Equipment) sold 60000 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$2514000
SLB09:31:33 PM, 07/22/2024
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 50048 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$2499397
SLB09:10:17 PM, 07/22/2024
Al Mogharbel Khaled(EVP, Geographies) sold 120668 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$6056483
SLB08:20:03 PM, 07/22/2024
Kasibhatla Vijay(Director, M&A) sold 10000 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$492900
SLB09:05:45 PM, 06/07/2024
Rando Bejar Carmen(Chief People Officer) sold 4980 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$216281
SLB09:40:58 PM, 05/22/2024
Rennick Gavin(President New Energy) sold 38083 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$1838647
SLB12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
Pafitis Demosthenis(Chief Technology Officer) sold 63095 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$3044964
SLB11:00:37 PM, 02/26/2024
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 6250 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$304000
SLB10:58:54 PM, 02/26/2024
Merad Abdellah(EVP, Core Services & Equipment) sold 50000 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$2426000
SLB10:38:34 PM, 02/01/2024
Rennick Gavin(President New Energy) sold 20045 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$977594
SLB10:55:22 PM, 01/29/2024
Beumelburg Katharina(Chief Sustainability Officer) sold 8000 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$421040
SLB10:53:26 PM, 01/29/2024
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 6250 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$329875
SLB10:32:18 PM, 01/25/2024
Fyfe Kevin(VP & Treasurer) sold 20223 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$1052607
SLB10:15:51 PM, 01/25/2024
Guild Howard(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 22853 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$1180585
SLB10:12:32 PM, 01/25/2024
Al Mogharbel Khaled(EVP, Geographies) sold 29621 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$1501192
SLB11:14:12 PM, 01/23/2024
Al Mogharbel Khaled(EVP, Geographies) sold 38570 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$1944699
SLB10:42:23 PM, 12/26/2023
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 6250 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$336625
SLB10:24:15 PM, 11/27/2023
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 6250 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$327750
SLB11:11:14 PM, 11/20/2023
Rennick Gavin(President New Energy) sold 6675 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$352974
SLB10:28:15 PM, 10/30/2023
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 6250 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$352000
SLB09:43:45 PM, 10/26/2023
de La Chevardiere Patrick sold 500 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$28880
SLB09:10:35 PM, 10/26/2023
Beumelburg Katharina(Chief Sustainability Officer) purchased 110 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$5038
SLB12:13:03 AM, 09/26/2023
Biguet Stephane(EVP & CFO) sold 6250 shares of SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED/NV (SLB) for ~$368312

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