ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

Welcome to our dedicated page for ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (Nasdaq: RCKT) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for RCKT
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
RCKT09:05:19 PM, 11/25/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 1224 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$15973
RCKT09:05:18 PM, 11/25/2024
Patel Kinnari(See Remarks) sold 4588 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$59873
RCKT09:05:16 PM, 11/25/2024
Shah Gaurav(CEO) sold 11091 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$144737
RCKT09:05:14 PM, 11/25/2024
Wilson Martin(General Counsel) sold 1175 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$15333
RCKT09:06:07 PM, 11/04/2024
White Mark Andrew(See Remarks) sold 3080 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$51220
RCKT09:05:26 PM, 11/04/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 917 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$15249
RCKT08:26:54 PM, 08/20/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 1064 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$19684
RCKT08:26:47 PM, 08/20/2024
Patel Kinnari(See Remarks) sold 3989 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$73796
RCKT08:26:39 PM, 08/20/2024
Shah Gaurav(CEO) sold 9650 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$178525
RCKT08:26:32 PM, 08/20/2024
Wilson Martin(General Counsel) sold 1027 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$18999
RCKT08:05:39 PM, 07/24/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 812 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$18692
RCKT08:05:18 PM, 07/09/2024
White Mark Andrew(See Remarks) sold 3026 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$61700
RCKT02:34:56 PM, 06/10/2024
Makker Gotham sold 274000 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$7789820
RCKT08:36:21 PM, 05/20/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 1079 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$25194
RCKT08:33:07 PM, 05/20/2024
Shah Gaurav(CEO) sold 9790 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$228596
RCKT08:29:47 PM, 05/20/2024
Wilson Martin(General Counsel) sold 1048 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$24470
RCKT08:26:25 PM, 05/20/2024
Patel Kinnari(See Remarks) sold 4046 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$94474
RCKT08:06:08 PM, 04/24/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 833 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$19050
RCKT09:45:27 PM, 04/16/2024
SOUTHWELL DAVID P sold 80000 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$1945566
RCKT12:39:37 AM, 04/11/2024
White Mark Andrew(See Remarks) sold 12532 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$308788
RCKT12:58:04 AM, 03/26/2024
Makker Gotham sold 274000 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$7789820
RCKT12:54:59 AM, 03/26/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 2490 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$69969
RCKT11:54:22 PM, 03/04/2024
Militello John(See Remarks) sold 10000 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$298400
RCKT11:48:13 PM, 03/04/2024
Wilson Martin(General Counsel) sold 4100 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$120253
RCKT01:54:41 AM, 02/22/2024
Wilson Martin(General Counsel) sold 3576 shares of ROCKET PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (RCKT) for ~$106707

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