Personalis, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Personalis, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Personalis, Inc. (Nasdaq: PSNL) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Personalis, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Personalis, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PSNL
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PSNL09:35:05 PM, 12/18/2024
Chen Richard(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER AND EVP) sold 4834 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$18465
PSNL09:30:07 PM, 12/18/2024
Moore Stephen Michael(SVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 1513 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$5779
PSNL09:25:05 PM, 12/18/2024
Tachibana Aaron(CFO AND COO) sold 6865 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$26224
PSNL09:19:17 PM, 11/20/2024
Tachibana Aaron(CFO AND COO) sold 1307 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$4953
PSNL09:17:03 PM, 11/20/2024
Moore Stephen Michael(SVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 1693 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$6416
PSNL09:14:56 PM, 11/20/2024
Chen Richard(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER AND EVP) sold 921 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$3490
PSNL09:15:17 PM, 11/05/2024
Hall Christopher M(PRESIDENT AND CEO) sold 26443 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$142263
PSNL08:17:55 PM, 08/20/2024
Tempus AI, Inc. purchased 3500000 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$17745000
PSNL09:16:00 PM, 08/01/2024
Chen Richard(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER AND EVP) sold 524 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$1556
PSNL09:13:51 PM, 08/01/2024
Tachibana Aaron(CFO AND COO) sold 742 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$2203
PSNL08:55:30 PM, 06/20/2024
Chen Richard(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER AND EVP) sold 5055 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$6520
PSNL08:54:29 PM, 06/20/2024
Tachibana Aaron(CFO AND COO) sold 7176 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$9257
PSNL08:53:07 PM, 06/20/2024
Moore Stephen Michael(SVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 1585 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$2044
PSNL01:14:13 AM, 05/22/2024
Chen Richard(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER AND EVP) sold 940 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$1297
PSNL01:13:07 AM, 05/22/2024
Tachibana Aaron(CFO AND COO) sold 1333 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$1839
PSNL01:11:50 AM, 05/22/2024
Moore Stephen Michael(SVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 1731 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$2388
PSNL09:52:54 PM, 05/02/2024
Moore Stephen Michael(SVP and Chief Legal Officer) sold 4523 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$6196
PSNL10:15:53 PM, 03/05/2024
MYERS WOODROW A JR purchased 10000 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$16700
PSNL09:30:33 PM, 01/31/2024
Chen Richard(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER AND EVP) sold 526 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$720
PSNL09:27:53 PM, 01/31/2024
Tachibana Aaron(CFO AND COO) sold 716 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$980
PSNL11:09:07 PM, 12/19/2023
Chen Richard(Chief Medical Officer and EVP) sold 4708 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$6920
PSNL11:07:41 PM, 12/19/2023
Tachibana Aaron(CFO and COO) sold 6747 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$9918
PSNL11:02:50 PM, 12/19/2023
Moore Stephen Michael(General Counsel) sold 1476 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$2169
PSNL01:00:40 AM, 11/04/2023
Hall Christopher M(President and CEO) sold 20459 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$19026
PSNL08:21:32 PM, 08/02/2023
Tachibana Aaron(CFO and COO) sold 662 shares of Personalis, Inc. (PSNL) for ~$1496

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