Primerica, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Primerica, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Primerica, Inc. (NYSE: PRI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Primerica, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Primerica, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PRI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PRI10:03:27 PM, 11/26/2024
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 1500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$455759
PRI09:18:15 PM, 11/12/2024
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 3000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$903810
PRI08:29:01 PM, 09/11/2024
Addison John A. Jr. sold 2000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$507700
PRI08:15:18 PM, 09/09/2024
Dheer Sanjeev sold 800 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$204408
PRI08:57:49 PM, 08/26/2024
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 1500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$391665
PRI08:59:11 PM, 08/12/2024
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 3000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$757650
PRI09:38:10 PM, 06/13/2024
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 3000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$668280
PRI09:50:37 PM, 05/24/2024
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 1500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$341160
PRI08:17:22 PM, 03/18/2024
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 1500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$365115
PRI09:08:46 PM, 03/13/2024
Jendusa Nicholas Adam(Principal Accounting Officer) sold 233 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$58205
PRI09:33:11 PM, 03/11/2024
Pitts Gregory C.(Executive VP and COO) sold 3759 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$922571
PRI09:13:45 PM, 02/26/2024
Addison John A. Jr. sold 1215 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$302535
PRI09:24:48 PM, 02/21/2024
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 4000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$986200
PRI09:15:08 PM, 02/21/2024
Babbit Joel M. sold 750 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$184095
PRI09:29:56 PM, 02/20/2024
CRITTENDEN GARY L sold 1247 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$308420
PRI12:30:15 AM, 12/02/2023
Rand Alison S.(Executive VP and CFO) sold 3000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$630210
PRI09:24:14 PM, 11/13/2023
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 4000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$818440
PRI09:03:57 PM, 08/30/2023
Rand Alison S.(Executive VP and CFO) sold 3000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$606780
PRI08:32:58 PM, 08/29/2023
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 3500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$705005
PRI08:38:57 PM, 08/10/2023
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 4000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$853880
PRI09:41:54 PM, 06/07/2023
Williams Glenn J.(Chief Executive Officer) sold 4000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$765000
PRI09:39:35 PM, 06/07/2023
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 2000 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$384380
PRI09:12:10 PM, 06/07/2023
Addison John A. Jr. sold 1700 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$322915
PRI08:11:17 PM, 05/31/2023
Rand Alison S.(Executive VP and CFO) sold 1500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$275715
PRI09:20:12 PM, 05/26/2023
Schneider Peter W.(President) sold 3500 shares of Primerica, Inc. (PRI) for ~$647465

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