PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP.

Welcome to our dedicated page for PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (Nasdaq: PPTA) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PPTA
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PPTA09:07:28 PM, 10/22/2024
Haslam Alan Douglas((See remarks (4))) sold 40000 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$402800
PPTA08:08:07 PM, 10/02/2024
Lyon Mckinsey Margaret((See remarks (4))) sold 21500 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$201025
PPTA10:50:04 PM, 04/16/2024
Haslam Alan Douglas((See remarks (6))) sold 46500 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$278535
PPTA11:40:04 PM, 04/15/2024
Bogert L Michael((See remarks (4))) sold 21500 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$133730
PPTA08:08:11 PM, 04/01/2024
Bogert L Michael((See remarks (2))) sold 8270 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$34320
PPTA08:07:02 PM, 04/01/2024
Haslam Alan Douglas(See remarks (2)) sold 7325 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$30398
PPTA08:05:22 PM, 04/01/2024
Lyon Mckinsey Margaret((See remarks (2))) sold 7818 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$32444
PPTA12:07:34 AM, 01/20/2024
Robison Chris J purchased 10000 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$29500
PPTA11:21:32 PM, 09/06/2023
Robison Chris J purchased 10000 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$31700
PPTA09:42:14 PM, 09/05/2023
Bogert L Michael((See remarks (1))) purchased 3000 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$10020
PPTA08:36:40 PM, 08/23/2023
Sayer Laurel((See remarks (1))) purchased 3650 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$12516
PPTA08:15:28 PM, 06/12/2023
Haslam Alan Douglas((See remarks (2))) sold 14 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$64
PPTA10:50:22 PM, 04/04/2023
Largent Jessica Marie((See remarks (4))) sold 3980 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$18507
PPTA08:18:32 PM, 03/23/2023
Nelson Tanya Dawn(See remarks (2)) sold 2764 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$9121
PPTA08:18:20 PM, 03/23/2023
Haslam Alan Douglas((See remarks (2))) sold 3481 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$11487
PPTA08:17:30 PM, 03/23/2023
Lyon Mckinsey Margaret((See remarks (3))) sold 5373 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$17730
PPTA08:15:44 PM, 03/23/2023
Bogert L Michael(See remarks (2)) sold 4353 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$14364
PPTA09:15:21 PM, 12/22/2022
Sayer Laurel(See Remarks.) purchased 990 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$2781
PPTA09:12:58 PM, 11/17/2022
Haslam Alan Douglas(See remarks.) sold 3818 shares of PERPETUA RESOURCES CORP. (PPTA) for ~$9086

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