PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (Nasdaq: PPBI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PPBI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PPBI05:50:04 PM, 12/19/2024
Karr Michael S(SEVP & Chief Risk Officer) sold 10290 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$276492
PPBI05:56:49 PM, 11/08/2024
Ohlhaver Margaret S.(Sr.EVP, Chf Human Res. Officer) sold 9273 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$259273
PPBI09:59:04 PM, 09/10/2024
JONES JEFF C sold 11251 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$265748
PPBI09:58:54 PM, 09/10/2024
WILCOX EDWARD EARL(President & COO) sold 30499 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$720691
PPBI10:44:18 PM, 05/16/2024
Wright Lori R(Sr. EVP, Deputy CFO) sold 4668 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$110118
PPBI12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Wendoll Tamara(Pres. of Pacific Premier Trust) purchased 43 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$995
PPBI09:57:42 PM, 03/25/2024
POLSKY BARBARA purchased 1200 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$28704
PPBI09:58:26 PM, 12/21/2023
Karr Michael S(SEVP & Chief Risk Officer) sold 13630 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$400040
PPBI10:28:13 PM, 12/15/2023
Wright Lori R(Sr. EVP, Deputy CFO) sold 13000 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$385060
PPBI10:15:49 PM, 12/01/2023
RICE TOM(SEVP/ Chief Innovation Officer) sold 15168 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$342948
PPBI10:12:33 PM, 12/01/2023
WILCOX EDWARD EARL(President & COO) sold 16415 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$373769
PPBI10:06:27 PM, 11/27/2023
JONES JEFF C sold 6000 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$138660
PPBI10:23:05 PM, 11/02/2023
GARRETT JOSEPH L sold 7500 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$140250
PPBI04:37:59 PM, 05/25/2023
Karr Michael S(SEVP & Chief Risk Officer) sold 12848 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$263769
PPBI08:47:17 PM, 05/11/2023
Scott Sherri V.(Sr.EVP,Dir ESG & Corp Respons.) sold 1600 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$29616
PPBI09:19:41 PM, 03/07/2023
Scott Sherri V.(Sr.EVP,Dir ESG & Corp Respons.) sold 600 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$18810
PPBI10:36:52 PM, 02/13/2023
WILCOX EDWARD EARL(President & COO) sold 19000 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$634220
PPBI01:01:17 AM, 12/22/2022
GARDNER STEVEN R(Chairman, President & CEO) sold 102638 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$3239255
PPBI08:26:15 PM, 11/17/2022
GARRETT JOSEPH L sold 7500 shares of PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC (PPBI) for ~$270900

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