Pagaya Technologies Ltd. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Pagaya Technologies Ltd.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq: PGY) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Pagaya Technologies Ltd.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Pagaya Technologies Ltd., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for PGY
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
PGY10:01:21 PM, 11/18/2024
Torraco Nicole sold 2371 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$21149
PGY09:43:49 PM, 11/12/2024
Yulzari Yahav(Chief Business Officer) sold 150000 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$2325000
PGY09:42:30 PM, 11/12/2024
Pardo Avital(Chief Technology Officer) sold 150000 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$2325000
PGY09:41:21 PM, 11/12/2024
Rosen Tami(Chief Development Officer) sold 27676 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$419291
PGY09:04:21 PM, 11/07/2024
Rosen Tami(Chief Development Officer) sold 7659 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$91908
PGY10:01:17 PM, 11/04/2024
Rosen Tami(Chief Development Officer) sold 25536 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$304060
PGY11:44:29 PM, 10/17/2024
DAS SANJIV(President) sold 10683 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$125738
PGY08:20:20 PM, 10/15/2024
Kim Nam Woo(See Remarks) sold 133 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$1440
PGY09:42:46 PM, 10/09/2024
Yulzari Yahav(Chief Business Officer) purchased 23600 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$248272
PGY08:05:47 PM, 10/03/2024
Kim Nam Woo(See Remarks) sold 171 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$1692
PGY08:05:05 PM, 10/03/2024
Perros Evangelos(Chief Financial Officer) sold 2336 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$23126
PGY08:04:37 PM, 10/03/2024
Rosen Tami(Chief Development Officer) sold 29240 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$289476
PGY08:03:18 PM, 10/03/2024
DAS SANJIV(President) sold 8022 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$79417
PGY12:37:55 AM, 08/22/2024
Perros Evangelos(Chief Financial Officer) sold 25921 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$349934
PGY12:37:47 AM, 08/22/2024
DAS SANJIV(President) sold 25246 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$300631
PGY12:35:56 AM, 08/22/2024
Bower Scott(Deputy Chief Financial Officer) sold 978 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$12528
PGY12:35:31 AM, 08/22/2024
Rosen Tami(Chief Development Officer) sold 13680 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$172255
PGY08:12:32 PM, 08/19/2024
Torraco Nicole sold 2371 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$28807
PGY08:45:58 PM, 08/09/2024
Pardo Avital(Chief Technology Officer) sold 11601 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$183643
PGY08:29:43 PM, 08/09/2024
Yulzari Yahav(Chief Revenue Officer) sold 11662 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$184026
PGY08:11:40 PM, 07/25/2024
Pardo Avital(Chief Technology Officer) sold 200 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$3122
PGY08:39:46 PM, 06/26/2024
Perros Evangelos(Chief Financial Officer) sold 11293 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$137209
PGY09:07:00 PM, 06/21/2024
Torraco Nicole sold 4743 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$57105
PGY08:53:58 PM, 05/17/2024
Bower Scott(Deputy Chief Financial Officer) sold 3155 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$37544
PGY01:13:33 PM, 04/09/2024
DAS SANJIV(President) purchased 22727 shares of Pagaya Technologies Ltd. (PGY) for ~$240224

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