Wag! Group Co. insider trading activity
Understanding Insider Activity at Wag! Group Co.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Wag! Group Co. (Nasdaq: PET) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Wag! Group Co.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.
How to Use This Data:
Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.
While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.
Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Wag! Group Co., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.
Track insider trades for PETTicker | Time & Date | Filing | Link |
PET | 12:53:51 AM, 11/20/2024 | Smallwood Garrett(Chief Executive Officer) sold 34746 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$5906 | Filing |
PET | 12:47:23 AM, 11/20/2024 | McCarthy Patrick(Chief Marketing Officer) sold 23105 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$3927 | Filing |
PET | 12:33:35 AM, 11/20/2024 | Arjomand Maziar(Chief Technology Officer) sold 34746 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$5906 | Filing |
PET | 12:32:45 AM, 11/20/2024 | Davidian Alec(Chief Financial Officer) sold 20710 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$3520 | Filing |
PET | 12:32:05 AM, 11/20/2024 | Cane David(Chief Customer Officer) sold 8491 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$1443 | Filing |
PET | 12:31:20 AM, 11/20/2024 | Yu Nicholas(VP of Legal) sold 8234 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$1399 | Filing |
PET | 12:05:07 AM, 11/20/2024 | Allread Dylan(Chief Operating Officer) sold 14599 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$2481 | Filing |
PET | 12:04:26 AM, 11/20/2024 | Storm Adam(Pres. & Chief Product Off.) sold 16727 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$2843 | Filing |
PET | 09:20:30 PM, 09/23/2024 | SZABO JOHN P JR purchased 250000 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$234041 | Filing |
PET | 09:12:47 PM, 09/12/2024 | Yu Nicholas(VP of Legal) sold 14574 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$10493 | Filing |
PET | 09:12:16 PM, 09/12/2024 | Storm Adam(Pres. & Chief Product Off.) sold 24854 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$17894 | Filing |
PET | 09:11:42 PM, 09/12/2024 | Allread Dylan(Chief Operating Officer) sold 25493 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$18354 | Filing |
PET | 09:11:11 PM, 09/12/2024 | Arjomand Maziar(Chief Technology Officer) sold 51714 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$37234 | Filing |
PET | 09:10:38 PM, 09/12/2024 | Cane David(Chief Customer Officer) sold 13455 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$9687 | Filing |
PET | 09:10:08 PM, 09/12/2024 | Davidian Alec(Chief Financial Officer) sold 36204 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$26066 | Filing |
PET | 09:09:39 PM, 09/12/2024 | McCarthy Patrick(Chief Marketing Officer) sold 46544 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$33511 | Filing |
PET | 09:09:04 PM, 09/12/2024 | Smallwood Garrett(Chief Executive Officer) sold 51714 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$37234 | Filing |
PET | 09:15:53 PM, 08/20/2024 | Arjomand Maziar(Chief Technology Officer) sold 22116 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$18736 | Filing |
PET | 09:11:37 PM, 08/20/2024 | Cane David(Chief Customer Officer) sold 5184 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$4391 | Filing |
PET | 09:11:02 PM, 08/20/2024 | Smallwood Garrett(Chief Executive Officer) sold 22116 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$18736 | Filing |
PET | 09:10:23 PM, 08/20/2024 | Storm Adam(Pres. & Chief Product Off.) sold 10633 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$9007 | Filing |
PET | 09:09:39 PM, 08/20/2024 | McCarthy Patrick(Chief Marketing Officer) sold 11948 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$10122 | Filing |
PET | 09:09:02 PM, 08/20/2024 | Yu Nicholas(VP of Legal) sold 4681 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$3965 | Filing |
PET | 09:08:24 PM, 08/20/2024 | Allread Dylan(Chief Operating Officer) sold 8415 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$7129 | Filing |
PET | 09:07:29 PM, 08/20/2024 | Davidian Alec(Chief Financial Officer) sold 11948 shares of Wag! Group Co. (PET) for ~$10121 | Filing |
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