Cloudflare, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Cloudflare, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Cloudflare, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Cloudflare, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for NET
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
NET01:42:34 AM, 12/21/2024
Prince Matthew(CEO & Chair of the Board) sold 157152 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$17475721
NET10:19:47 PM, 12/19/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1690856
NET01:46:12 AM, 12/13/2024
Zatlyn Michelle(President and COO) sold 76920 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$8680106
NET10:25:01 PM, 12/05/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1648440
NET09:29:06 PM, 12/03/2024
Kramer Douglas James(Chief Legal Officer) sold 3000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$316710
NET12:23:43 AM, 11/28/2024
Zatlyn Michelle(President and COO) sold 86398 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$8949781
NET09:17:10 PM, 11/21/2024
Kramer Douglas James(Chief Legal Officer) sold 6000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$600000
NET12:14:11 AM, 11/20/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 28635 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$2721033
NET09:46:10 PM, 11/19/2024
Riley Janel(CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER) sold 3495 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$314829
NET12:59:59 AM, 11/16/2024
Prince Matthew(CEO & Chair of the Board) sold 157152 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$14508170
NET12:16:55 AM, 11/05/2024
Eitel Maria S sold 6875 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$605050
NET10:23:44 PM, 11/04/2024
Kramer Douglas James(Chief Legal Officer) sold 3000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$265800
NET10:21:29 PM, 11/04/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1301823
NET08:50:39 PM, 10/21/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(Chief Financial Officer) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1363139
NET10:35:32 PM, 10/17/2024
Prince Matthew(CEO & Chair of the Board) sold 157152 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$14500453
NET11:48:46 PM, 10/09/2024
Zatlyn Michelle(President and COO) sold 115380 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$9411091
NET09:29:04 PM, 10/04/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1187896
NET08:15:49 PM, 10/03/2024
Kramer Douglas James(Chief Legal Officer) sold 3000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$236610
NET09:13:47 PM, 09/19/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1175426
NET11:55:28 PM, 09/11/2024
Zatlyn Michelle(President and COO) sold 38460 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$2934348
NET01:03:53 AM, 09/07/2024
Prince Matthew(CEO & Chair of the Board) sold 157152 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$12211345
NET08:35:32 PM, 09/05/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 15000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$1170805
NET08:26:25 PM, 09/04/2024
Kramer Douglas James(CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER) sold 3000 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$244590
NET11:23:52 PM, 08/22/2024
Zatlyn Michelle(President and COO) sold 86397 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$7136773
NET08:12:28 PM, 08/22/2024
SEIFERT THOMAS J(CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) sold 28636 shares of Cloudflare, Inc. (NET) for ~$2372111

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