Noble Corp insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Noble Corp

Welcome to our dedicated page for Noble Corp (NYSE: NE) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Noble Corp's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Noble Corp, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for NE
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
NE09:10:46 PM, 11/13/2024
Kawaja Joey M(SVP, Operations) sold 30000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$1072800
NE09:10:02 PM, 11/13/2024
Denton Blake(SVP, Marketing & Contracts) sold 30000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$1071600
NE04:04:39 PM, 11/12/2024
APMH Invest A/S purchased 700000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$24537775
NE07:31:56 PM, 11/08/2024
APMH Invest A/S purchased 1330000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$46104794
NE08:41:24 PM, 07/15/2024
APMH Invest A/S purchased 638018 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$28918020
NE02:14:51 PM, 07/05/2024
APMH Invest A/S purchased 300000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$13243964
NE12:55:45 AM, 06/29/2024
Barker Richard B.(EVP and CFO) purchased 1994 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$95692
NE08:31:09 PM, 05/24/2024
APMH Invest A/S purchased 192156 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$8925646
NE09:28:31 PM, 03/13/2024
ALTING CAROLINE(SVP, Ops. Excellence & Sust) sold 7274 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$324409
NE09:57:26 PM, 02/28/2024
Barker Richard B.(EVP and CFO) sold 45000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$1909350
NE08:34:28 PM, 09/05/2023
ALTING CAROLINE(SVP, Operational Excellence) sold 3138 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$163050
NE08:08:40 PM, 06/09/2023
Denton Blake(SVP, Marketing & Contracts) sold 15719 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$635833
NE08:07:47 PM, 06/09/2023
Kawaja Joey M(SVP, Operations) sold 15723 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$633794
NE08:07:19 PM, 06/02/2023
Campbell Laura D.(VP, CAO and Controller) sold 5591 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$223807
NE08:29:54 PM, 05/26/2023
Eifler Robert W.(President & CEO) sold 50000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$2010500
NE08:27:50 PM, 05/26/2023
Barker Richard B.(SVP and CFO) sold 25000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$1003999
NE07:37:59 PM, 11/03/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 334313 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$11968405
NE05:30:40 PM, 11/01/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 868253 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$30835791
NE06:41:38 PM, 10/28/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 597769 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$21412303
NE10:15:09 AM, 10/28/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 621274 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$21719227
NE07:41:04 PM, 10/24/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 350000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$11615340
NE09:58:38 PM, 10/20/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 50000 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$1643000
NE12:44:32 AM, 10/14/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 395985 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$11415125.18
NE10:46:47 PM, 10/11/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 772591 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$22839931.61
NE06:38:52 PM, 10/07/2022
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC sold 612621 shares of Noble Corp plc (NE) for ~$18465069.31

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