Motorola Solutions, Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Motorola Solutions, Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: MSI) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Motorola Solutions, Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Motorola Solutions, Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for MSI
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
MSI09:10:13 PM, 11/18/2024
BROWN GREGORY Q(Chairman and CEO) sold 28000 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$13842555
MSI09:10:47 PM, 11/14/2024
BROWN GREGORY Q(Chairman and CEO) sold 120000 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$59532109
MSI09:09:26 PM, 11/14/2024
LEWENT JUDY C sold 6642 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$3294302
MSI08:20:21 PM, 08/21/2024
YAZDI CYNTHIA(SVP, Communications & Brand) sold 8136 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$3456172
MSI08:07:55 PM, 08/19/2024
YAZDI CYNTHIA(SVP, Communications & Brand) sold 1864 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$787167
MSI08:18:14 PM, 08/16/2024
BROWN GREGORY Q(Chairman and CEO) sold 10000 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$4177503
MSI08:06:45 PM, 08/09/2024
WINKLER JASON J(EVP and CFO) sold 3621 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1485311
MSI08:06:00 PM, 08/09/2024
NIEWIARA JAMES A(SVP, GENERAL COUNSEL) sold 6870 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$2806751
MSI08:05:21 PM, 08/09/2024
BROWN GREGORY Q(Chairman and CEO) sold 69123 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$28255790
MSI08:10:12 PM, 08/07/2024
MOLLOY JOHN P(EVP and COO) sold 23985 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$9773876
MSI08:15:52 PM, 06/17/2024
NAIK RAJAN(SVP, Strategy & Ventures) sold 5273 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1971100
MSI08:15:29 PM, 06/11/2024
DENMAN KENNETH D sold 690 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$257445
MSI08:08:17 PM, 05/16/2024
DUNNING KAREN E(SVP, Human Resources) sold 3172 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1147690
MSI12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
MOLLOY JOHN P(EVP and COO) sold 31599 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$11428717
MSI12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
WINKLER JASON J(EVP and CFO) sold 7364 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$2664965
MSI12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
MAHER KATHERINE A(CVP and CAO) sold 2613 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$926783
MSI12:00:01 AM, 05/09/2024
NIEWIARA JAMES A(SVP, GENERAL COUNSEL) sold 3610 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1300600
MSI09:05:10 PM, 03/05/2024
YAZDI CYNTHIA(SVP, Communications & Brand) sold 4744 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1585919
MSI09:10:27 PM, 03/01/2024
YAZDI CYNTHIA(SVP, Communications & Brand) sold 10000 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$3311700
MSI09:10:53 PM, 12/15/2023
MOLLOY JOHN P(EVP and COO) sold 76819 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$24828487
MSI09:09:10 PM, 12/14/2023
YAZDI CYNTHIA(SVP, Communications & Brand) sold 10167 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$3347993
MSI09:03:59 PM, 11/21/2023
WINKLER JASON J(EVP and CFO) sold 6111 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1941770
MSI09:11:47 PM, 11/13/2023
NAIK RAJAN(SVP, Strategy & Ventures) sold 5416 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$1672839
MSI09:10:08 PM, 11/13/2023
NIEWIARA JAMES A(SVP, GENERAL COUNSEL) sold 1450 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$447876
MSI09:09:02 PM, 11/13/2023
MAHER KATHERINE A(CVP and CAO) sold 462 shares of Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) for ~$142863

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