Loar Holdings, LLC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Loar Holdings, LLC

Welcome to our dedicated page for Loar Holdings, LLC (: LOAR) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Loar Holdings, LLC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Loar Holdings, LLC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for LOAR
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
LOAR02:17:56 AM, 12/17/2024
LEVY PAUL S sold 251616 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$20423670
LOAR10:26:39 PM, 12/16/2024
Manella Michael J.(See Remarks) sold 28153 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$2285179
LOAR10:25:23 PM, 12/16/2024
D'Alessandro Glenn(See Remarks) sold 28518 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$2314806
LOAR10:18:18 PM, 12/16/2024
MILGRIM BRETT N(Executive Co-Chairman) sold 120305 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$9765156
LOAR10:17:22 PM, 12/16/2024
Charles Dirkson R(See Remarks) sold 126960 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$10305343
LOAR09:32:05 PM, 12/16/2024
Blackstone Holdings IV L.P. sold 335487 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$27231478
LOAR09:31:03 PM, 12/16/2024
Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors LP sold 335487 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$27231478
LOAR09:30:06 PM, 12/16/2024
GSO Capital Opportunities Fund III LP sold 335487 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$27231478
LOAR09:01:07 PM, 12/16/2024
Carpenito Anthony sold 987248 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$80134920
LOAR09:01:06 PM, 12/16/2024
ABRAMS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, L.P. sold 1006461 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$81694439
LOAR09:01:04 PM, 12/16/2024
Bomberg Alison sold 987248 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$80134920
LOAR09:01:03 PM, 12/16/2024
Abrams David C sold 1006461 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$81694439
LOAR05:21:53 PM, 12/16/2024
Bobbili Raja sold 987248 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$80134920
LOAR08:55:37 PM, 04/29/2024
CROW M CHAD purchased 71429 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$2000012
LOAR08:54:55 PM, 04/29/2024
McGetrick Margaret A purchased 71429 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$2000012
LOAR08:54:19 PM, 04/29/2024
Danmola Taiwo K. purchased 71429 shares of Loar Holdings Inc. (LOAR) for ~$2000012

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