Jamf Holding Corp. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Jamf Holding Corp.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Jamf Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: JAMF) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Jamf Holding Corp.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Jamf Holding Corp., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for JAMF
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
JAMF06:08:49 PM, 11/26/2024
Gambale Virginia sold 10528 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$152550
JAMF01:45:30 AM, 10/22/2024
LAM LINH(CIO) sold 7702 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$127545
JAMF09:28:40 PM, 08/22/2024
LAM LINH(CIO) sold 5445 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$99970
JAMF10:32:47 PM, 07/22/2024
TSCHIDA BETH(CTO) sold 1696 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$31816
JAMF10:02:18 PM, 06/20/2024
Bucaria Michelle(CPO) sold 37064 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$570081
JAMF09:50:35 PM, 06/07/2024
TSCHIDA BETH(CTO) sold 5095 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$78666
JAMF09:50:15 PM, 06/07/2024
LENDINO JEFF(Chief Legal Officer) sold 11545 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$178716
JAMF09:49:57 PM, 06/07/2024
BENZ ELIZABETH(CSO) sold 11526 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$178422
JAMF09:49:57 PM, 06/07/2024
BENZ ELIZABETH(CSO) sold 11526 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$178422
JAMF09:49:31 PM, 06/07/2024
GOODKIND IAN(Chief Financial Officer) sold 5580 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$86378
JAMF09:57:15 PM, 06/06/2024
WUDI JASON(Chief Innovation Officer) sold 5736 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$88449
JAMF09:56:54 PM, 06/06/2024
HAGER DEAN sold 30442 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$470633
JAMF09:56:35 PM, 06/06/2024
STROSAHL JOHN(CEO) sold 10795 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$166458
JAMF10:07:20 PM, 06/05/2024
STROSAHL JOHN(CEO) sold 25000 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$384750
JAMF10:07:09 PM, 06/05/2024
HAGER DEAN sold 25000 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$384750
JAMF10:06:56 PM, 06/05/2024
WUDI JASON(Chief Innovation Officer) sold 25000 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$384750
JAMF10:08:05 PM, 05/29/2024
Leite Etalvina sold 4153 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$66697
JAMF08:10:46 PM, 05/20/2024
VEPF VI CO INVEST 1 GP, L.P. sold 8956522 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$163456526
JAMF08:05:31 PM, 05/20/2024
VEP Group, LLC sold 8956522 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$163456526
JAMF10:03:14 PM, 05/07/2024
LAM LINH(CIO) sold 2200 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$44066
JAMF10:02:59 PM, 05/07/2024
GOODKIND IAN(Chief Financial Officer) sold 51439 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$1032380
JAMF11:21:57 PM, 04/22/2024
TSCHIDA BETH(CTO) sold 7526 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$137500
JAMF09:39:18 PM, 03/21/2024
WUDI JASON(Chief Innovation Officer) sold 1699 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$30361
JAMF09:38:58 PM, 03/21/2024
STROSAHL JOHN(CEO) sold 32674 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$586226
JAMF09:38:41 PM, 03/21/2024
LENDINO JEFF(Chief Legal Officer) sold 11682 shares of Jamf Holding Corp. (JAMF) for ~$208720

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