Huron Consulting Group Inc. insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at Huron Consulting Group Inc.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Huron Consulting Group Inc. (Nasdaq: HURN) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by Huron Consulting Group Inc.'s key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for Huron Consulting Group Inc., and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for HURN
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
HURN04:14:20 PM, 12/06/2024
Roth James H sold 2000 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$247393
HURN03:42:57 PM, 12/04/2024
LOCKHART H EUGENE sold 1042 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$127968
HURN03:41:15 PM, 12/04/2024
MCCARTNEY JOHN sold 500 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$61405
HURN02:12:56 PM, 11/08/2024
Roth James H sold 2000 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$256844
HURN03:55:07 PM, 11/05/2024
LOCKHART H EUGENE sold 1042 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$120684
HURN03:29:19 PM, 10/04/2024
Zumwalt Debra sold 222 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$23709
HURN03:25:16 PM, 10/04/2024
Singh-Bushell Ekta sold 99 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$10573
HURN03:22:18 PM, 10/04/2024
Roth James H sold 2000 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$212996
HURN02:53:32 PM, 10/03/2024
LOCKHART H EUGENE sold 1042 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$112817
HURN02:09:27 PM, 09/06/2024
Roth James H sold 2000 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$216191
HURN03:49:18 PM, 09/05/2024
LOCKHART H EUGENE sold 1042 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$114078
HURN02:08:00 PM, 08/21/2024
Zumwalt Debra sold 222 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$23292
HURN04:35:32 PM, 08/14/2024
Hussey C. Mark(CEO and President) sold 4000 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$412535
HURN03:04:02 PM, 08/12/2024
LOCKHART H EUGENE sold 1042 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$106919
HURN01:23:43 PM, 08/08/2024
SAWYER HUGH E III sold 3000 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$312270
HURN03:45:13 PM, 08/06/2024
Featherstone Kyle(Chief Acct Officer, Controller) sold 820 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$88617
HURN01:50:05 PM, 07/16/2024
Hussey C. Mark(CEO and President) sold 34013 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$3424636
HURN02:37:11 PM, 07/05/2024
Singh-Bushell Ekta sold 99 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$9781
HURN01:16:06 PM, 07/03/2024
MCCARTNEY JOHN sold 300 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$29748
HURN06:05:49 PM, 06/13/2024
MCCARTNEY JOHN sold 1259 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$120083
HURN02:05:20 PM, 06/05/2024
MCCARTNEY JOHN sold 300 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$26700
HURN03:19:54 PM, 05/03/2024
MCCARTNEY JOHN sold 300 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$27018
HURN01:55:06 PM, 04/04/2024
Singh-Bushell Ekta sold 192 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$18115
HURN01:52:36 PM, 04/04/2024
Zumwalt Debra sold 259 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$24436
HURN03:11:56 PM, 04/03/2024
MCCARTNEY JOHN sold 300 shares of Huron Consulting Group Inc. (HURN) for ~$28914

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