HUBBELL INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at HUBBELL INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for HUBBELL INC (NYSE: HUBB) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by HUBBELL INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for HUBBELL INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for HUBB
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
HUBB09:39:35 PM, 12/12/2024
Malloy John F purchased 461 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$206048
HUBB09:50:10 PM, 11/12/2024
Mikes Mark Eugene(President Electrical Solutions) sold 1144 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$533332
HUBB09:43:54 PM, 11/08/2024
DEL NERO JONATHAN M.(Vice President, Controller) sold 141 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$67249
HUBB08:45:28 PM, 08/13/2024
Bakker Gerben(Chairman, President & CEO) sold 15677 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$5868576
HUBB09:06:44 PM, 08/08/2024
CARDOSO CARLOS M sold 450 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$164043
HUBB08:41:45 PM, 05/17/2024
Mikes Mark Eugene(President Electrical Solutions) sold 479 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$193947
HUBB08:48:43 PM, 05/16/2024
FLYNN ALYSSA R(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 6 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$2422
HUBB12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Mikes Mark Eugene(President Electrical Solutions) sold 1942 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$779409
HUBB12:00:01 AM, 05/14/2024
FLYNN ALYSSA R(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 1106 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$449909
HUBB08:37:39 PM, 05/07/2024
Keating Neal J purchased 500 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$189385
HUBB08:30:53 PM, 05/07/2024
Dial Debra L. purchased 150 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$56685
HUBB10:02:14 PM, 02/13/2024
Mikes Mark Eugene(President Electrical Solutions) sold 397 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$144289
HUBB09:46:10 PM, 02/13/2024
Mikes Mark Eugene(President Electrical Solutions) sold 1837 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$657939
HUBB09:16:19 PM, 02/09/2024
Mikes Mark Eugene(President Electrical Solutions) sold 1045 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$373650
HUBB09:29:58 PM, 02/08/2024
LANE KATHERINE ANNE(Senior VP, GC & Secretary) sold 1468 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$517484
HUBB10:26:40 PM, 02/06/2024
Sperry William R(Executive VP and CFO) sold 14925 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$5268409
HUBB10:22:42 PM, 02/06/2024
DEL NERO JONATHAN M.(Vice President, Controller) sold 1098 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$387308
HUBB10:19:04 PM, 02/06/2024
Bakker Gerben(Chairman, President & CEO) sold 13355 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$4716051
HUBB09:54:29 PM, 12/13/2023
Malloy John F purchased 797 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$249859
HUBB10:41:24 PM, 11/07/2023
DEL NERO JONATHAN M.(Vice President, Controller) sold 1902 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$543097
HUBB11:18:26 PM, 08/04/2023
FLYNN ALYSSA R(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 2293 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$720689
HUBB08:51:54 PM, 08/04/2023
Sperry William R(Executive VP and CFO) sold 4040 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$1267428
HUBB08:52:08 PM, 08/03/2023
Bakker Gerben(Chairman, President & CEO) sold 5895 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$1851737
HUBB08:49:03 PM, 05/09/2023
CARDOSO CARLOS M sold 560 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$152969
HUBB10:05:25 PM, 02/07/2023
Bakker Gerben(Chairman, President & CEO) sold 9350 shares of HUBBELL INC (HUBB) for ~$2251480

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