HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (Nasdaq: HTLF) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for HTLF
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
HTLF09:03:27 PM, 12/11/2024
Hopkins Jennifer K sold 5811 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$392591
HTLF09:07:55 PM, 11/25/2024
Frank Mark A(EVP, Chief Operations Officer) sold 432 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$29047
HTLF09:02:21 PM, 11/19/2024
Hopkins Jennifer K sold 1189 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$79127
HTLF10:29:26 PM, 11/13/2024
SCHMIDT JOHN K sold 22500 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$1537199
HTLF09:05:32 PM, 11/12/2024
Quick Janet M(EVP, Principal Acctg Officer) sold 1291 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$86961
HTLF08:08:15 PM, 09/10/2024
Hylen Christopher sold 4000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$217640
HTLF08:04:54 PM, 09/03/2024
Kahn Robert S(EVP, Chief Strategy Officer) sold 1012 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$56216
HTLF08:03:20 PM, 09/03/2024
White Duane E sold 4861 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$267986
HTLF09:17:13 PM, 08/12/2024
Nestman Lo B.(EVP, Head of Retail, Mktg & PB) sold 4389 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$220064
HTLF08:10:10 PM, 08/05/2024
Hopkins Jennifer K sold 5000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$250300
HTLF08:09:34 PM, 08/05/2024
Unger Kathryn G sold 1396 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$69660
HTLF08:05:08 PM, 07/01/2024
Nestman Lo B.(EVP, Head of Retail, Mktg & PB) purchased 268 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$10564
HTLF08:04:05 PM, 07/01/2024
Thompson Kevin L(EVP, Chief Financial Officer) purchased 317 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$12496
HTLF08:03:30 PM, 06/12/2024
Engel Robert B sold 6000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$151199
HTLF08:07:44 PM, 05/23/2024
Unger Kathryn G sold 2450 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$111695
HTLF08:45:08 PM, 05/07/2024
Engel Robert B sold 7600 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$191976
HTLF09:07:51 PM, 01/02/2024
Karrels Kevin C(EVP, Head of Consumer) purchased 93 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$3207
HTLF08:19:52 PM, 08/16/2023
Lee Bruce K(HTLF President and CEO) purchased 3000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$94500
HTLF08:24:57 PM, 07/05/2023
Karrels Kevin C(EVP, Head of Consumer) purchased 124 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$3174
HTLF08:08:11 PM, 07/03/2023
DETERS DEBORAH K(EVP, Chief HR Officer) purchased 536 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$13721
HTLF08:07:13 PM, 05/16/2023
Engel Robert B purchased 1600 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$32830
HTLF08:12:06 PM, 05/10/2023
Lee Bruce K(HTLF President and CEO) purchased 5000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$137750
HTLF09:00:13 PM, 03/13/2023
Engel Robert B purchased 10000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$244863
HTLF10:44:16 PM, 03/06/2023
Engel Robert B purchased 3000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$77194
HTLF09:15:30 PM, 02/06/2023
Schmitz Martin J sold 4000 shares of HEARTLAND FINANCIAL USA INC (HTLF) for ~$200840

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