GENERAL MILLS INC insider trading activity

Understanding Insider Activity at GENERAL MILLS INC

Welcome to our dedicated page for GENERAL MILLS INC (NYSE: GIS) insider trading activity, sourced directly from the SEC Form 4 Filings. Here, you'll find the latest buying and selling activities undertaken by GENERAL MILLS INC's key insiders, providing a unique window into the company's internal sentiments.

How to Use This Data:

Below, you can view insider transactions that were reported to the SEC within the last 365 days.

While insider trading can hint at a company's prospects, it's crucial to approach this data as part of a broader investment strategy. Look for patterns over time, significant buys or sells, and consider other market factors before making investment decisions.

Scroll down to view the most recent insider transactions for GENERAL MILLS INC, and gain a better understanding of the confidence and considerations of those intimately tied to the company's success.

Track insider trades for GIS
TickerTime & DateFilingLink
GIS07:14:55 PM, 12/23/2024
Gallagher Paul Joseph(Chief Supply Chain Officer) sold 1041 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$67144
GIS02:47:27 AM, 11/20/2024
SASTRE MARIA sold 1000 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$63660
GIS03:17:28 PM, 10/25/2024
HARMENING JEFFREY L(Chairman of the Board & CEO) sold 46500 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$3190365
GIS05:17:21 PM, 10/17/2024
Pallot Mark A(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 8083 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$576135
GIS09:53:56 PM, 10/01/2024
Nudi Jonathon(Group President) sold 9647 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$717640
GIS03:35:27 PM, 09/24/2024
Sharma Pankaj MN(Segment President) sold 2325 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$173514
GIS12:00:01 AM, 05/15/2024
Shaffer Werner Lanette(Chief Innovation Officer) sold 710 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$50104
GIS03:51:20 PM, 03/26/2024
Nudi Jonathon(Group President) sold 10000 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$692099
GIS04:22:43 PM, 03/22/2024
MORIKIS JOHN G sold 55 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$3616
GIS04:57:09 PM, 01/31/2024
Nudi Jonathon(Group President) sold 7671 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$492094
GIS04:44:41 PM, 01/26/2024
HARMENING JEFFREY L(Chairman of the Board & CEO) sold 60056 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$3870008
GIS08:07:57 PM, 05/19/2023
Cordani David sold 8675 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$776846
GIS05:07:56 PM, 05/18/2023
Pallot Mark A(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 4081 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$368595
GIS03:04:20 PM, 05/16/2023
Benson Jodi J(Chief Innovation Officer) sold 3009 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$272585
GIS03:54:16 PM, 05/09/2023
Williams-Roll Jacqueline(Chief Human Resources Officer) sold 18517 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$1656715
GIS04:27:49 PM, 04/06/2023
Quam Bethany C.(Group President, Pet) sold 21734 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$1866113
GIS09:03:43 PM, 03/31/2023
Nudi Jonathon(Group President) sold 8030 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$685199
GIS11:03:06 PM, 01/13/2023
Nudi Jonathon(Group President) sold 10894 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$920434
GIS07:07:12 PM, 01/11/2023
Walker Sean N(Group President) sold 27157 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$2304814
GIS04:20:18 PM, 01/10/2023
Pallot Mark A(Chief Accounting Officer) sold 1955 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$168109
GIS10:39:45 PM, 11/23/2022
OGrady Shawn P(Group President) sold 20019 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$1651567
GIS08:14:56 PM, 11/14/2022
Cordani David sold 26100 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$1988298
GIS06:22:19 PM, 11/14/2022
OGrady Shawn P(Group President) sold 32114 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$2585177
GIS09:24:26 PM, 11/01/2022
Benson Jodi J(Chief Innovation Officer) sold 17690 shares of GENERAL MILLS INC (GIS) for ~$1446526

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